Bài giảng Tiếng anh Lớp 8 - Unit 3: Peoples of Viet Nam

b, Read the conversation again and answer the questions.
1. Where are Duong and Nick?
2. What do they want to know?
3. How many ethnic groups are there in Viet Nam?
4. Which ethnic group has the largest population?
5. Do the ethnic minority peoples have their own customs and traditions?
c, Can you find the following expressions in the conversation? Try to explain what they mean.
1. Exactly
Used as a reply, agreeing with that sb has just said, or emphasising that it is correct
2. How interesting!
How + adj / adv: used to show a strong reaction to sth
3. I see
Used to show you understand that someone said
4. That’s awesome!
Used to show that you think something is great
Unit 3. peoples of vietnamLESSON 1. GETTING STARTEDNickDuongGuideVocabularyMajority (n) /məˈdʒɒrəti/ đa sốMinority (n) /maɪˈnɒrəti/ thiểu sốCulture (n) /ˈkʌltʃə(r)/ văn hóa + Cultural (adj) /ˈkʌltʃərəl/ thuộc về văn hóaEthnic (adj) /ˈeθnɪk/ thuộc về dân tộc + Ethnologist (n) /eθˈnɒlədʒi/ nhà dân tộc học + Ethnology (n) /eθˈnɒlədʒi/ dân tộc học + Ethnological (adj) /eθˈnɒlədʒikl/ thuộc về dân tộc họcPopular (adj) /ˈpɒpjələ(r)/ phổ biến + Popularity (n) /ˌpɒpjuˈlærəti/ sự phổ biến + Population (n) /ˌpɒpjuˈleɪʃn/ dân sốRegion (n) /ˈriːdʒən/ vùng, miền, khu vực + Regional (adj) /ˈriːdʒən;/ thuộc về vùng, miền, khu vựcVocabularyCurious (adj) /ˈkjʊəriəs/ tò mòTradition (n) /trəˈdɪʃn/ truyền thống + Traditional (n) /trəˈdɪʃənl/ thuộc về truyền thốngRemote area /rɪˈməʊt eəriə/ vùng sâu vùng xaMountainous area /ˈmaʊntənəs eəriə/ vùng miền núiTerraced (adj) /ˈterəst/ bậc thangMusician (n) /mjuˈzɪʃn/ nhạc sĩ + Musical (adj) /ˈmjuːzɪkl/ thuộc về âm nhạcStilt house /sɪlt/ nhà sànHeritage (n) /ˈherɪtɪdʒ/ di sản, tài sảnCostume (n) /ˈkɒstjuːm/ trang phụca, Find the opposite of these words in the conversation.1. boring2. smallest4. northern3. majorityinterestingsouthernminoritylargestb, Read the conversation again and answer the questions.1. Where are Duong and Nick?___________________________________2. What do they want to know?__________________________________________________3. How many ethnic groups are there in Viet Nam?___________________________________4. Which ethnic group has the largest population?________________________________________5. Do the ethnic minority peoples have their own customs and traditions? ___________________________________They are in the Museum of Ethnology.There are 54 (ethnic groups).The Viet (or Kinh) have the largest population.They want to know about the ethnic groups of Viet Nam.Yes, they do.c, Can you find the following expressions in the conversation? Try to explain what they mean.1. Exactly2. How interesting!4. That’s awesome!3. I seeUsed as a reply, agreeing with that sb has just said, or emphasising that it is correctHow + adj / adv: used to show a strong reaction to sthUsed to show you understand that someone saidUsed to show that you think something is greatd, Work in pairs. Use facts from the conversation to make short role-plays using the expressions in c.Example:Some groups live in mountainous regions.How interesting!Can you use How + other adjectives in your conversation?2. Use the words and phrases in the box to label each picture.Costume five-coloured sticky riceopen-air market stilt housefolk dance musical instrumentFestival terraced fields1. 3. 2. five-coloured sticky ricefestivalterraced fields8. 7. 6. 5. 4. stilt housecostumemusical instrumentopen-air marketfolk dance3. Complete the following sentences with the words and phrases in the box.heritage site stilt housesterraced fields memberEthnic festivals1. In our country, it is against the law to discriminate against any __________ or religious group.2. My Son in Quang Nam Province has been recognised by UNESCO as a world ____________.3. ____________ have been popular among many of Viet Nam’s ethnic groups for a long time.4. Lunar January is the time for important __________ in the whole country, especially in the north.5. The exhibition building of the Museum of Ethnology was designed by the architect Ha Duc Linh, a __________ of the Tay ethnic group.6. The _______________ of Sa Pa have entered in the Top 11 most beautiful terraces in the world, according to Touropia.ethnicheritage siteStilt housesfestivalsmemberterraced fieldsLESSON 2. A CLOSER LOOK 1VocabularySignificant (adj) /ˈkjʊəriəs/ quan trọng, đáng kể+ insignificant (adj) /trəˈdɪʃn/ không quan trọng, đáng kể+ significance (n) /ˈmaʊntənəs eəriə/ sự quan trọngImportant (adj) /rɪˈməʊt eəriə/ quan trọng + unimportant (adj) /ˈmaʊntənəs eəriə/ không quan trọng + importance (n) /ˈmaʊntənəs eəriə/ sự quan trọngComplicate (v) /ˈterəst/ làm phức tạp, rắc rối + Complicated (adj) /ˈmjuːzɪkl/ thuộc về âm nhạcDevelop (v) /mjuˈzɪʃn/ phát triển, mở mang + Developed (adj) /ˈmjuːzɪkl/ phát triểnCeremony (n) /sɪlt/ nghi lễPagoda (n) /ˈherɪtɪdʒ/ chùaTemple (n) /ˈkɒstjuːm/ đềnShawl (n) /ˈkɒstjuːm/ khăn choàng Waterwheel (n) /ˈkɒstjuːm/ bánh xe nướcVocabulary1. Match the adjectives in A with their opposites in B .1. major2. simple3. modern4. spoken5. rich6. developed7. importanta. writtenb. insignificantc. complicatedd. minore. basicf. poorg. traditional2. Use some words from 1 to complete the sentencesMany ethnic groups have their own languages. And some even have languages. People in some far-away mountainous regions still keep their .. way of life.Gathering and hunting still play a(n) .. role in the economy of the Laha.Ethnic peoples in the mountains have a .way of farming. They use .. tools to do the farm work.The Muong in Hoa Binh and Thanh Hoa are well-known for their .. folk literature and their traditional songs.writtentraditionalimportantsimplerichbasic3. Work in pairs. Discuss what the word is for each picture. The first and the last letters of each word are given. 4. w---------------l6. b---------------t1. ceremony2. pagoda3. temple4. waterwheel5. shawl6. basketpronunciationClusters: /sk/, /sp/ and /st/4. Listen and repeat the following words. skateboard stamp speech display first stationInstead crisp school basket space task5. Listen again and put them in the right column according to their sounds/sk//sp//st/skateboardSpeechStampSchoolDisplayFirstBasketCrispStationtaskSpaceInstead 6. Listen and read the following sentences. Then underline the words with the sounds /sk/, /sp/, or/st/.1. The Hmong people I met in Sa Pa speak English very well.2. You should go out to play instead of staying here.3. The local speciality is not very spicy.4. Many ethnic minority students are studying at boarding schools.5. Most children in far-away villages can get schooling.LESSON 3. A CLOSER LOOK 2grammar1. Read the passage.Questions: reviewIn a small village in the north, there is a stilt house. In the house, a Tay family are living together: the grandparents called Dinh and Pu, the parents called Lai and Pha, and three children called Vang, Pao and Phong. Every day the grandparents stay at home to look after the house. Mr Lai and Mrs Pha work in the fields. They grow rice and other plants. Mrs Pha goes to the market twice a week to buy food for the family. Mr Lai sometimes goes hunting or cutting wood in the forests. Pao and Phong go to the primary school in the village, but Vang studies at the boarding school in the town about 15 kilometres away. He goes home at the weekend. The family live simply and they enjoy their way of life. There are a few difficulties of course. But they say they live more happily in their stilt house than in a modern flat in the city.2. Now write questions for these answers.Example: Answer → In the north. Question → Where is the small village?1. A Tay family.→ __________________________________________________________________?2. Three children.→ __________________________________________________________________?3. Yes, they stay at home to look after the house.→ __________________________________________________________________?4. Twice a week.→ __________________________________________________________________?5. It is about 15 kilometres.→ __________________________________________________________________?6. At the weekend.→ __________________________________________________________________?7. They live happily.→ __________________________________________________________________?8. No. They like living in their stilt house.→ _________________________________________________________________ ?Who is living in the houseHow many children do they haveDo the grandparents stay at homeHow often does Mrs Pha go shoppingHow far is Vang’s boarding school ? / How far is the townWhen does Vang go home every week ? / When does Vang go homeHow do they liveWould they like to live in a modern flat in the city ? / Would they like to live in the city3. Complete the questions using the right question words.A: ______ is the class monitor?B: Dan is.A: ______ is the biggest house in this village?B: The communal house (nha rong) is.A: ______ do you think is the most interesting museum in Ha Noi?B: The Museum of Ethnology.A: ______ is more colourful, the Nung’s or the Hoa’s costume?B: The Hoa’s, of course.A: ______ is the waterwheel used for?B: It is used to get water to the fields.WhoWhichWhatWhichWhich4. Work in pairs. Make questions and answer them.Who/ do/ shopping/ your family? ____________________________________________________________Who/ principal/ our school? ____________________________________________________________Which subject/ like better/ English/ Maths? ____________________________________________________________What/ most important festival/ Viet Nam? ____________________________________________________________Which ethnic group/ larger population/ Khmer/ Cham? ____________________________________________________________Who does the shopping in your family?Who is the principal of our school?Which subject do you like better, English or Maths?What is the most important festival in Viet Nam?Which ethnic group has a larger population, the Khmer or the Cham?5. Circle the correct article to finish the sentences.Viet Nam is a / an / the multicultural country with 54 ethnic groups.Among the ethnic minorities, a / an / the Tay have the largest population.A / An / The ethnic minority people in the village are very friendly.The Lao are one of a / an / the many Thai-speaking peoples.The Lolo women’s dress is among a / an / the most striking styles of clothing worn by ethnic peoples.The Yao have a / an / the rich culture of folk literature and art, with tales, songs, and poems.6. Insert a, an or the in each gap to finish the passage.When you travel to a north-west mountainous region and you want to have (1) ___ great time, you can go to (2) ______ local open-air market.(3) ___ sight there is beautiful. Local people in colourful clothing are smiling as they sell or buy their local products. The goods there are diverse. You can buy all kinds of fruit and vegetables, which are fresh and cheap. You can also buy a nice costume of (4) _______ ethnic group you like. If you don’t want to buy anything, just go round and enjoy looking. You can also taste some specialities of (5) ___ local people sold right there at the market. I am sure you will have (6) ___ unforgettable time.aa / theThean / thetheanLESSON 5. SKILLS 1Vocabulary - Population (n): dân số - Experienced (a): có kinh nghiệm - Belong to : thuộc về - Canal (n) : kênh, mương - Cattle and poultry (n): gia súc và gia cầm - Weave (v)(n): dệt vải/ kiểu dệt - Well-known (a) = famous (a): nổi tiếng - Unique (a): duy nhất, độc nhất vô nhị - Include (v): bao gồm - Scarf (n): khăn choàng (số nhiều: scarves) - Ornament (n): trang sức - Worship (v): thờ cúng - Ancestor (n): tổ tiên Now read the text and check your answers. The Thai have a population of about one and a half milion people living in the provinces of Lai Chau, Son La, Yen Bai, Hoa Binh, Thanh Hoa, and Nghe An. The Thai language belongs to the Tay-Thai group. The Thai are experienced farmers. They dig canals to bring water to their fields. Their main food is rice, especially sticky rice. The Thai also grow other crops on burnt-out land. They also make bamboo items, and weave cloth. Thai cloth is well-known for being unique, colourful and strong. Recently, Thai men prefer to wear the Kinh’s style of dress, while Thai women keep their traditional costumes including short blouses, long skirts, scarves and ornaments. The Thai live in houses on stilts. Their villages comprise 40 to 50 houses, usually built side by side. The Thai worship their ancestors. Every year they hold festivals and ceremonies with alternating songs between boys and girls, and many traditional games.Work in pairs. Answer the question.Where do the Thai people live?They live in the provinces of Lai Chau, Son La, Yen Bai, Hoa Binh, Thanh Hoa, and Nghe Anb. What is their population?The Thai have a population of about one and a half milion2. Complete each sentense, using a word from the text.The Thai are good_______They grow different crops.They can make household items from the ______tree.The Thai live in ____houses.They have a rich culture including folk____ and games.Many festivals and_________ are held by the Thai people every year.farmerssongsstiltbambooceremonies3.Answer the questions.Do the Thai people have their own language?- Yes, they do.2. What is the main food of the Thai people?- Their main food is rice, especially sticky rice. 3. What is the Thai cloth well-known for?- Thai cloth is well-known for being unique, colourful and strong.4. Which still wear their traditional costumes, Thai men or Thai women?- Thai women.5. Who do the Thai worship?- The Thai worship their ancestors.LESSON 5. SKILLS 21. Vocabulary:chemical /ˈkemɪkl / (n)root / ruːt / (n)leaf /liːf/ (n) leaves /liːvz/ (pl)harmony /ˈhɑːməni / (n)represent /ˌreprɪˈzent / (v)element /ˈelɪmənt / (n)create /kriˈeɪt / (v)heaven /ˈhevn/ (n)unique /ˈhevn/ (adj): hóa chất: gốc, rễ: lá (cây): sự hài hòa: đại diện cho: thành phần, yếu tố: tạo ra: trời, thiên đường: độc đáoWARM UPAnswer the questions.2. When do we traditionally have sticky rice?- Traditionally, we have sticky rice on special occasions, such as at Tet, in festivals and ceremonies, and whenever the family has guests.1. Do you like sticky rice?- Yes, I do. / - No, I don’t.LISTENING:2. Listen to the passage and tick () true (T) or false (F). natural roots and leaves.heaven and earth., at Tet, in festivals and ceremonies.3. Listen again and complete the sentences.1. Five-coloured sticky rice is made by ethnic minorities in the northern ____________ regions.2. The dish has five colours: red, yellow, green, ___________ and white.3. It is made using ________ roots and leaves.4. The green colour symbolises ________.5. Five-coloured sticky rice is made on special occasions, for festivals and __________.ceremonies mountainouspurple/blacknaturalplantsAudio script: Five-coloured sticky rice is an important traditional dish of many ethnic minorities in the northern mountainous regions. People call the dish five-coloured sticky rice because it has five colours: red, yellow, green, purple and white. The things that create the colours are not chemicals but natural roots and leaves. The five colours of the dish represent five elements of life according to Vietnamese beliefs: yellow is earth, red is fire, green is plants, white is metal, and purple or black is water. People believe that these five elements create harmony between heaven and earth. Five-coloured sticky rice is usually made and enjoyed at Tet, in festivals and ceremonies, on special occasions, and whenever the family has guests. Writing:4. Read the notes on how to make yellow sticky rice.How to make yellow sticky riceNotes:1. Soak sticky rice – water – five hours +2. Rinse rice – drain3. Mix well w/ turmeric extract, wait – 10 mins.4. Add coconut + salt – mix well5. Steam – 30 mins – check cooked6. Serve Sticky rice: 500gTurmeric: three tbsp extractShredded coconut: one cupSalt: 1/4 tsp1 tablespoon = 15ml1 teaspoon = 5mlOrganising your ideasIntroducing your dishThis is a very easy dish to makeTry this delicious recipeSignposting the cooking stepsFirst, Then, Next, After that, FinallyOnce the (rice is rinsed), (add) the (salt)Giving adviceRemember to = Don’t forget to Try to ConcludingServe this dish with This dish is delicious with 5. Change the notes into cooking steps to show a foreign visitor how to make yellow sticky rice. This delicious dish is really easy to make. First, you need to soak the sticky rice in water for at least five hours. Then rinse the rice and drain it well. Next, add the turmeric extract and mix it well. Then wait for 10 minutes. After that, add the coconut and salt. Remember to mix it well. Finally, steam the rice for about 30 minutes. Check that it is fully cooked. You can serve this dish with chicken.5. Change the notes into cooking steps to show a foreign visitor how to make yellow sticky rice. Example 2: Vocabulary1. Complete the sentences with the words/ phrases from the box.costumes activities ethnic diverseunique communal cultural groups At the Museum of Ethnology, you can see many ways of life of different _______________ in our country.In each village of the Bahnar there is a _______________ house, where public _______________ are held.Young women of each ethnic group in Viet Nam have their own characteristics and _______________, making the beauty of the 54 ethnic groups more _______________ and attractive.Many special schools have been built to improve the education standards of _______________ people.Although ethnic groups have their own _______________ culture, they have established good relations and cooperation with each other.cultural groupscommunalactivitiescostumesdiverseethnicunique2. Use the correct form of the words in brackets to finish the sentences.Everywhere in our country we can find elements of the (culture) _______________ values of different ethnic groups.The peoples of Viet Nam are diverse but very (peace) _______________.The Muong in Hoa Binh are well-known for the (rich) _______________ of their folk literature and traditional songs.The exhibition in the museum shows the (diverse) _______________ of different cultural groups.The Raglai people have a (tradition) _______________ musical instrument made of bamboo called the chapi.culturalpeacefulrichnessdiversitytraditional3. Make questions for the underlined parts in the passage.Most of the ethnic minority peoples in the Central Highlands live in stilt houses. These houses are built on columns and beams. They have two or four roofs, and some have decorations on the peaks and the sides. The entrance is on the side.The communal house is usually the largest, tallest and most elaborate building in the village. It is used for village meetings, receiving guests, or as a place of worship, and village festivities. Single men can sleep in this house.1 2. ..3. ..............................................4. ..5. ..What are these houses built on?Where is the entrance?Which house is the largest, tallest and most elaborate building in the village?What is it used for?Who can sleep in this house?4. Each sentence has an error. Find and correct it.1. They travel to a nearest town to go shopping.2. Some ethnic minority children of this region are studying at the boarding school in a city.3. Although they speak different languages, an ethnic groups in this region live near to one another.4. In the past, some ethnic groups lived the semi-nomadic life.5. All an ethnic peoples of Viet Nam have equality in every field.keya thea thean thethe aan the
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