Giáo án môn iếng Anh Khối 8 - Unit 7: Pollution

Giáo án môn iếng Anh Khối 8 - Unit 7: Pollution


1. Knowledge:

- By the end of the lesson Ss will be able touse lexical items related to the topic

„Pollution‟ to talk about types of pollution, use words and phrases showing cause/ effect relationships to describe the causes and effects of pollution

- Vocabulary: Know some words related to the topic “Pollution”.

- Phonetics: pronounce the words ending in - icand -alcorrectly in isolation and in context.

2. Competences:

- Ss know the importance of keeping theenvironment clean.

- Individually, pairs work, groups work

3. Quality:

- Love the subject, be aware of studying better and protecting the environment.


- Students: Materials: book, pen

- Teacher: Equipment: laptop, projector.


1. Class organization:

Day Date Period Class Attendance Absence


* Checking:

- S1: Writes new words

- S2: Reads the conversation and translate the conversation.

3. New lesson :

A. Activity 1: Determining the learning task

* Play game: Networks:

*Aims: - To help ss to remember types of pollution

*Content:Ss name types of pollutions

* Output: Ss can review the vocabularies about pollution

* Process:

1. Transfering the learning task:

- Ask Ss to write the names of the types of pollution

2. Doing the task:

- Ss work in pairs to write

3. Reporting the task result and discuss:

- T calls two Ss to write on the board.

4. Giving the remarks to their doing the task:

- T corrects and gives the remarks.

- Give feedback


air pollution

- Introduce the new lesson


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Preparing day:

(Total: 7 lessons)
After the lesson, students will be able to use lexical items related to the topic
„Pollution‟ to talk about types of pollution; use words and phrases showing cause/ effect relationships to describe the causes and effects of pollution
- Talking about the environment problems today.
Pair work/ group work/ individual
To teach SS to love their home, country and know the way to protect the environment.
Students: Materials: book, board.
Teacher: Equipment: laptop, projector.
Class organization:
* Checking:
- Check students‟ preparation
3. New lesson :
Activity 1: Determining the learning task
* Play game: Who’s winner?
*Aims:To check Ss‟understanding of pollution
Ask Ss to talk about the environment problems today.
*Content:Look at the picture and answer:
Output: Ss can relate to the topic of unit 7.
Transfering the learning task:
Make a paper ball. Throw the ball to a student in group A and he/ she has to call out one fairytale. If he/ she is right, group A gets one point, then he/ she throws the ball to a student in group B. The game stops when time is up. The group with more points wins.
Now start the lesson.
Doing the task:
Ss work in groupsA and B.
Reporting the task result and discuss:
Find the winner group
Giving the remarks to their doing the task:
Ask Ss if they know any story about the environment or pollution.
Write the unit title on the board „Pollution‟. Ask Ss to call out things which cause pollution, e.g., cars, factories, cows,...
Activity 2: Form the new knowledge:
I. Teaching vocabulary
- Ss know how to read new words, identify their meanings and use them to make sentences and know what they are going to listen.
*Content: reading new words.
*Output: Ss make examples with some new words
Transfering the learning task: Elicit some new words (gym, equipment, .)
Doing the task:
- Ss: listen and repeat in individual first then the whole class.
3. Reporting the task result and discuss:
- Call 3- 4 Ss to read the words again.
4. Giving the remarks to their doing the task:
*Checking: rub out and remember
I. New words:
to dump: vứt, bỏ, thải
to illustrate: minh họa
poison (n,v): chất độc, làm độc
poisonous (adj): độc, độc hại
aquatic animal (n): động vật dưới nước
presentation (n): trình bày
radioactive (a): thuộc về phóng xạ
radiation (n): phóng xạ
thermal (a): thuộc về nhiệt
visual (a): thuộc về thị giác
C. Activity 3: Practice
*Aims: SS get the content of the conversation between Nick and Mi and then complete the exercises.
*Content: Read the conversation and complete the exercises.
Output: Almost all the students can understand the conversation and complete the exercises.
* Set the scene:
? Look at page 6
- Ask Ss to open their books and look at the picture. Ask them some questions:
Who can you see in the picture? Where do you think they are?
What can you see in the picture?
What do you think the people in the picture are talking about?
Ss answer the questions as a class.
Play the recording and have Ss follow along. After that, Ss can compare their
Ex1. Listen and read.
answers with the information in the dialogue and add somemore details to their answers.
Teacher gets feedback
Ss work independently to find the words with the given meanings in the conversation
Ask Ss to read out the lines in the conversation that contain the words.
Have Ss look at the Watch out! box and quickly read the information. Ask them if they know what I can't believe my eyes means. Then explain to them that this expression means you are very surprised at something you see
1.Transfering the learning task:
- Ask Ss to do task
2. Doing the task:
Ss work independently.
Ss exchange their answers with a classmate
3. Reporting the task result and discuss:
- T calls some to go the board to write their answer
4. Giving the remarks to their doing the task:
Correct and give marks
Ask them firstly to decide if the sentences are true, false or there is no information without reading the dialogue.
Have some Ss write their answers on the board.
-Ask Ss to read the conversation again to check their answers
Confirm the correct answers.
Have Ss look at the pictures.
Explain the new words so that Ss can understand the pollution types.
Ss do this activity in pairs.
Call on some 5s to give their answers and write them on the board.
a. Find a word or phrase that means:
1. dead	2. aquatic
3. dump	4. poison
5. polluted	6. to come up with
b. Answer the questions.
They are in Mi's home village.
It's almost black.
She's surprised because she sees the fish are dead.
It's dumping poison into the lake.
He's sneezing so much because the air is not clean.
c. Tick True (T), false (F) or no information (NI)
F (It's polluted by the factory.)
3. NI 4.T 5.T
Ex2. There are different types of pollution. Write each type under a picture.
radioactive pollution
noise pollution
c. visual pollution
D. thermal pollution
Have Ss read through the sentences to get a general understanding. T may teach some words which T thinks Ss do not know such as contamination.
Ss do this activity individually and then compare their answers with a classmate.
Call on some Ss to stand up and give their answers.
Confirm the correct answers.
water pollution
land/ soil pollution
light pollution
air pollution
Ex3. Complete the sentences with the types of pollution
thermal pollution
air pollution
radioactive pollution
light pollution
Water pollution
Land/Soil pollution
Noise pollution
visual pollution
D. Activity 4: Application
- Help Ssdevelop speaking skill by doing some exercises.
*Content:- Help Sstalk about the the types of pollution which their neighborhood face
* Output: Almost all the students can complete the tasks
Transfer of learning tasks:T asks Ss to
work in groups of five or six. In five minutes, Ss write down the pollution types their neighbourhood faces and rank them in order of seriousness. They also have to give reasons for their order.
Doing the task:
- Ss work in groups of five or six. In five minutes, Ss write down the pollution types their neighbourhood faces and rank them in order of seriousness. They also have to give reasons for their order.
3. Reporting the task result and discuss:
- T calls group representatives to present their group's order and reasons.
4. Giving the remarks to their doing the task:
- T and other Ss vote for the group with the best reasons.
III. Further practice:
4. Work in groups. Which types of pollution in 3 does your neighborhood face? Rank them in order of seriousness. Give
reasons for your group’s order. Vote for the group with the best reasons
Learn new words by heart.
Read the conversation again.
Translate the conversation in Getting started into Vietnamese.
Prepare: UNIT 7:A closer look 1/ Page 8 - textbook.
Preparing day: 27/ 01/ 2021
(Total: 7 lessons)
By the end of the lesson Ss will be able touse lexical items related to the topic
„Pollution‟ to talk about types of pollution, use words and phrases showing cause/ effect relationships to describe the causes and effects of pollution
Vocabulary: Know some words related to the topic “Pollution”.
Phonetics: pronounce the words ending in - icand -alcorrectly in isolation and in context.
Ss know the importance of keeping theenvironment clean.
Individually, pairs work, groups work
Love the subject, be aware of studying better and protecting the environment.
Students: Materials: book, pen 
Teacher: Equipment: laptop, projector.
Class organization:
* Checking:
S1: Writes new words
S2: Reads the conversation and translate the conversation.
3. New lesson :
Activity 1: Determining the learning task
* Play game: Networks:
*Aims: - To help ss to remember types of pollution
*Content:Ss name types of pollutions
Output: Ss can review the vocabularies about pollution
Transfering the learning task:
Ask Ss to write the names of the types of pollution
Doing the task:
Ss work in pairs to write
Reporting the task result and discuss:
T calls two Ss to write on the board.
Giving the remarks to their doing the task:
T corrects and gives the remarks.
Give feedback
Types of pollution
air pollution
Introduce the new lesson
Activity 2: Form the new knowledge:
I. Teaching vocabulary
- Ss know how to read new words and the meaning
*Content: Read new words
*Output:Students know new words and the meaning
1.Transfering the learning task:
- Have Ss Change the verbs into a noun(N), an adjective(Adj) or a verb (V).
2. Doing the task:
- Ss work individually or in pairs.
Reporting the task result and discuss:
-Have two Ss write their answers on the board and then confirm the correct answers.
Giving the remarks to their doing the task:
T and other Ss give comments
-Have Ss look at the language box. Tell Ss that the words and phrases in the box express cause and effect relationships.
Have Ss read the example sentences and underline the clause, noun phrase, or infinitive.
For more able Ss, T may have Ss read the sentences and explain the
I. Vocabulary
to contaminate: làm bẩn
contaminant(n): chất gây bẩn
chemical waste: chất thải hóa học
acid rain: mưa a xít
defect (n): thiếu sót, sai sót
to expose: để lộ, phơi bày
cause (n,v): nguyên nhân, gây ra
effect (n): kết quả
* Notes:
-Because/since and due to/because of are used to talk about the causes of something.
-Because and since are synonyms and they come before a clause.
Other words and phrases in the box express the effects of something.
So comes before a clause.
-To cause, to lead to and to result in are synonyms and come before a noun phrase.
-To make sb/sth do sth is another way to
rules themselves by using the words
express the effects. After
and phrases.
somebody/something is an infinitive verb
without to.
because/ since +
so + clause
The water is
E.g: Because/ Since
polluted, so the fish
the water is polluted,
are dead.
the fish are dead.
due to/ because of +
to cause sth/ to lead
to sth/ to result in
The fish are dead due
to/ because of the
The polluted water
polluted water.
causes/ results in the
dead of fish.
to make sb/ sth do
The polluted water
make the fish die.
C. Activity 3: Practice
*Aims: Ss know how to do exercises.
*Content: Do exercises.
*Output: Students complete the exercises.
Have Ss look at the table in the book. Make sure that they understand what to do.
Ss complete the exercise individually and then compare their answers with a partner.
Call on some Ss to write their answers on the board.
Check their answers.
Have Ss read each sentence silently to have a general understanding and decide which word form should be filled in each blank.
Ss do the exercise and then compare their answers with a partner.
Call on one or two Ss to give out the answers before confirming the correct ones.
Complete the table with appropriate verbs, nouns and adjectives.
poison 2. contaminate
3. pollutant4. polluted
5. death 6. damaged
Complete	the	sentences	with	the words from the table in 1 
poisonous	2. pollutants
3. dead4. contaminated 5 damage 6. pollute
a: Decide which sentence in each 
Ask Ss to read each pair of sentences and decide which sentence is a cause and which is an effect.
Ss compare their answers with a partner before giving the answers to the teacher.
Confirm the correct answers.
1. Transferring the learning task.
-Ask Ss to read the example.
- Have Ss combine each pair of sentences in 3b into a complete sentence, using the word/ phrase in brackets.
2. Doing the task.
- Ss do this activity individually and then compare their answers with a classmate.
3. Reporting the task result and discuss.
Call on some Ss to write their sentences on the board
Others remark.
4. Giving the remarks to their doing thetask.
T checks their answers and corrects them carefully.
T can ask Ss to write all the sentences as homework.
Have Ss look at the picture in 1. Ask Ss which picture shows the cause and which picture shows the effect.
-Ask Ss to work in groups. In three minutes, groups of Ss write down as many sentences based on same given picture pair as possible on a sheet of paper. When time is up, the group
People throw litter on the ground. (C)Many animals eat the litter and become sick (E).
Ships spill oil in oceans and rivers. (C) Many aquatic animals and plants die. (E)
Households dump waste into the river,
(C) It is polluted.(E)
Their children have birth defects. (E)The parents were exposed to radiation (C)
We can't see the stars at night. (E)There
is too much light pollution, (C)
b. Combine the sentence in each pair into a new sentence that shows a 
Oil spills from ships in oceans and rivers lead to the death of many aquatic animals and plants.
Households dump waste into the river so it is polluted.
Since the parents were exposed to radiation, their children have birth defects.
We can't see the stars at night due to the light pollution
Work in groups. Look at the pairs of pictures. Give as many sentences as possible to show cause/effect relationships.
Suggested answers:
The soil is polluted, so plants can't grow.
We won't have fresh water to drink
with the most sentences is winner. They stick their paper on the board and read sentences aloud. Other group give comments. Other groups can add sentences they have.
because of water pollution.
4. We plant trees, so we can have fresh air.
II.Teaching pronunciation
Help Ss to pronounce stress inwords ending in-icand-al
Content: practice pronouncingstress in words ending in-icand-al
Output: know the way to pronounce
- Ask Ss to look at the rules and the examples in the box. Go through the rules with them. For a more able class, have Ss give some more examples.
Ex 5
1.Transfering the learning task:
- Ask Ss to do task 5: Ss listen and repeat.
2. Doing the task:
- Play the recording for Ss to stress the words. Ask some Ss to say where the stress in each word is.
Play the recording as many times as necessary.
3. Reporting the task result and discuss:
- T calls some to read loudly.
4. Giving the remarks to their doing the task:
Correct and give marks
II. Pronunciation:
Stress in words ending in -ic and -al
-Adding the suffix –ic changes the stress of a word. Stress the syllable immediately before the suffix.
„atom -> a‟tomic
-Adding the suffix –al to a word does not change its stress.
„music -> „musical
Note: If a word can take both suffixes: one ending in –ic and the other ending in
–al, both words have the stress on the same syllable.
E‟conomy -> eco‟nomic -> eco‟nomical
Listen and mark the stress in each word, then repeat it.
ar‟tistic	2. ath‟letic
3. his‟toric	4. his‟torical
5. ‟logical	6. ‟physical
7. he‟roic 8. po‟etic
9. bo‟tanic	10. bo‟tanical
D. Activity 4: Application
Help SS to practice morewithwords ending in-icand-al
* Content: practice the pronunciation
Output:Almost all the students can do the task well
Transfering the learning task: Underline the words ending in –ic and circle the words ending in –al in the following sentences. Mark the stress in each word.
Doing the task:
Work individually.
-Play the recording for Ss to check their answers
Then elicit the correct stress pattern from Ss
T plays the recording again for Ss to repeat the sentences.
Reporting the task result and discuss:
Ask Ss to read out the sentences.
Giving the remarks to their doing the task:
T check and give the correct ones for the whole class.
6. Underline the words ending in –ic and circle the words ending in –al in the following sentences. Mark the stress in each word. Listen and check your answers, the repeat the sentences.
1. scientific2. ‟national
3. ‟medical4. ‟chemical
5. dra‟matic
Learn by heart the new words
Do ex A1, A2, B1, B2, B3 page 3,4- workbook
Prepare UNIT 6: A CLOSER LOOK 2- page 9,10 - textbook
Preparing day: 27/ 01/ 2021
(Total: 7 lessons)
By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to use lexical items related to the topic
„Pollution‟ to talk about types of pollution, use conditional sentences type 1 and type 2 correctly and appropriately to describe pollution
Vocabulary: Know some words related to the topic “Pollution”.
Phonetics: The way to pronounce the words in the lesson
Grammar: Conditional sentences type 1 and type 2.
Ss know the importance of keeping theenvironment clean.
Individually, pairs work, groups work
Love the subject, be aware of studying better and protecting the environment.
Students: Materials: book, pen 
Teacher: Equipment: laptop, projector.
Class organization:
* Checking:
S1: does B1- page 4 in workbook
S2: does B2- page 4 in workbook
S3: does B3- page 4 in workbook
3. New lesson :
Activity 1: Determining the learning task
*Review: Conditional sentences type 1
*Aims:To encourage Ss in their new lesson by making up Conditional sentences type 1
*Content: Make sentences
Output: Ss can making up some conditional sentences type 1
Transfering the learning task:
Elicit the form and use of the conditional sentence type 1 from Ss. Ask Ss to give some example sentences.
If the water is polluted, fish will die
If we cut down the trees in the forest, there will be flood.
Doing the task:
Ss work individually.
Reporting the task result and discuss:
T calls 1or 2 Ss to do on the board.
Giving the remarks to their doing the task:
T corrects and gives the remarks.
Give feedback
Activity 2: Form the new knowledge:
I.Teaching vocabulary
Ss know how to read new words, identify their meanings
*Content:How to read the words
* Output: Ss can know how to read new words, identify their meanings
Transfering the learning task: Elicit some new words (car fume, to be aware of, .)
Doing the task:
- Ss: listen and repeat in individual first then the whole class.
3. Reporting the task result and discuss:
- Call 3- 4 Ss to read the words again.
4. Giving the remarks to their doing the task:
*Checking: rub out and remember
I. Vocabulary
car fume (n):khí thải ô tô
to be aware of: ý thức được
issue(n) = problem (n):
to decrease>< to increase
the level of radioactive pollution: mức độ về ô nhiễm phóng xạ
billboard(n): biển quảng cáo
*Aims:Help Ss touse conditional sentences type 1 and type 2 correctly
*Content:Know how to use conditional sentences type 1 and type 2
* Output:Almost all the students can understand and know how to use them.
* Revise the way to use conditional sentences type 1:
Elicit the form and use of the conditional sentence type 1 from Ss.
Ask Ss to give some example sentences.
* Teaching the way to use conditional sentences type 2:
- Ask Ss to give one or two examples.
1. Transferring the learning task.
- Have Ss look at the structure of the conditional sentence type 2 in the
II Grammar:
* Conditional sentences type 1
Use: Câu điều kiện loại 1 dùng diễn tả sự kiện xảy ra ở tương lai.
If + S + V (present simple), S + will + V
Ex: If it is hot, we will go swimming.
* Conditional sentences type 2
Use: Câu điều kiện loại 2 dùng diễn tả sự kiện không có thật hay trái với thực tế hiện tại
language box. Draw Ss'attention to the example sentence on the board.
Underline the subject, verb, etc. in this example and explain the structure of the sentence at the same time.
- Now Ss read the second example. Tell them that this sentence is a piece of advice.
2. Doing the task.
Listen to the teacher carefully
Make some examples
3. Reporting the task result and discuss.
Call on some Ss to say aloud their answers.
Others remark.
4. Giving the remarks to their doing thetask.
- Give feedback.
If + S + V( past simple ), S + would/ could / might + V (bare infinitive) Ex:
If I were a billionare, I would travel around the world.
Note: chúng ta có thể sử dụng cảwasvàwerevới “I/ he/ she/ it” trong mệnh đề if
C. Activity 3: Practice
Help Ss do exercises using conditional sentences type 1 and type 2
*Content: Do some exercises.
Output:Almost all the students can understand and know how to do exercises correctly
Ss do this exercise individually then compare their answers with a partner.
Have Ss read out their answers.
Confirm the correct ones.
Have Ss read the pairs of sentences. Ask two Ss to write the new conditional sentences type 1 on the board while other Ss write their own sentences.
Ask Ss to comment on the sentences on the board.
Give feedback on these sentences and ask other Ss to correct them if necessary.
III. Practice
1. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.
recycle; will help
won't dump; fines
travel; will be
will save; don't waste
use; will have
2. Combine each pair of sentences to make a conditional sentences type 1. Key:
Students will be more aware of protecting the environment if teachers teach environmental
issues at school.
When light pollution happens, animals will change their behaviour patterns.
1. Transferring the learning task.
- T asksSs to read the requirement of the exercises.
-AskSs to read the clauses in A and B then try to match an If –clause in A with a suitable main clause in B
2. Doing the task.
- Ss do this activity individually and then compare their answers with a classmate.
3. Reporting the task result and discuss.
Call on some Ss to say aloud their answers.
Others remark.
4. Giving the remarks to their doing thetask.
T checks Ss‟ answers and corrects them carefully.
Ss do this exercise individually. Have two Ss go to the board to write their answers.
Go through the answers with the class. Have other Ss correct the answers if necessary.
The levels of radioactive pollution will decrease if we switch from nuclear power to renewable energy sources.
If the water temperature increases, some aquatic creatures will be unable to reproduce.
People will get more diseases if the water is contaminated.
3. Match an If –clause in A with a suitable main clause in B
c 3.d 4.e
5. a
Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.
were; would ... do
exercised; would be
had; would build
tidied; wouldn't be
was/were; would grow
D. Activity 4: Application
*Aims: Help Ss practice speaking, using conditional sentences type 2
Content:using conditional sentences type 2
Output: Ss can do exercises well
Have Ss quickly read the example/
Have Ss do this exercise individually then compare their answers with a classmate
Ask one or two Ss to write their
VI. Further practice.
5. Write a conditional sentences type 2 for each situation.
1. If there weren't so many billboards in
answers on the board
- T checks and correct Ss‟ answers
Transfering the learning task:
T asks Ss to work in groups to play this chain game. Explain that the aim of the game is to keep the chain going for as long as possible using type 1 or 2 conditional sentences. If a group hesitates for more than 10 seconds they are out.
Doing the task:
Ss work in Note that the aim is to practise the language in a fun, verbal way so be sure to keep the atmosphere light
Reporting the task result and discuss:
Some groups play games in front of the class.
Giving the remarks to their doing the task:
T and other Ss give comments
our city, people could enjoy the view.
If there wasn't/ weren't so much light in the city at night, we could see the stars clearly.
If we didn't turn on the heater all the time, we wouldn't have to pay three million dong for electricity a month.
If the karaoke bar didn't make so much noise almost every night, the residents wouldn't complain to its owner.
She wouldn't have a headache after work every day if she didn't work in a noisy office
Work in group. Student A begins with a conditional sentence type 1 or type 2. Student B use the end of 
A: If each person plants a tree, there will be a lot of trees.
B: if there are a lot of trees, the air will be clean.
C: If the air is cleaner, fewer people will be ill
4. Homework:
Learn by heart the form of conditional sentences types 1,2.
Do ex B4,5,6 page 5- workbook
Prepare UNIT 7: COMMUNICATION/ page 11- textbook.
WEEK 20:
Preparing day:

Period 58: UNIT 7: POLLUTION
(Total: 7 lessons)
By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to have the opportunity to explore noise pollution, a common pollution type that not many people recognise as a pollution and talk about noise pollution.
Vocabulary: Know some words related to the topic “Pollution”.
Phonetics: The way to pronounce the words in the lesson.
Ss know the importance of keeping theenvironment clean.
Individually, pairs work, groups work
Love the subject, be aware of studying better and protecting the environment.
Students: Materials: book, pen 
Teacher: Equipment: laptop, projector.
Class organization:
* Checking:
S1 writes the forms of two types of conditional sentences
S2: Does B5- workbook page 5
S3: Does B6- workbook page 5
3. New lesson :
New lesson
Activity 1: Determining the learning task
* Play game: Chatting:
*Aims:To help ss to relate to the topic of unit 7
*Content:Listen and answer the questionss
Output: Ss can relate to the topic of unit 7.
Transfering the learning task:
Ask Ss to answer some questions related to the lesson.
Have you ever heard about noise pollution? What do you know about it? ....
Doing the task:
Ss work in individually
Reporting the task result and discuss:
T calls some Ss to give their answers
Giving the remarks to their doing the task:
- T corrects and gives the remarks.
Activity 2: Form the new knowledge:
I. Teaching vocabulary
*Aims:Ss know how to read new words, identify their meanings.
*Content: reading new words.
*Output:know new words and how to use them.
1. Transferring the learning task:
* Pre- teach vocabulary: pictures/ translation/ examples.
- T: writes new words on the board.
2. Doing the task:
- Ss: listen and repeat in individual first then the whole class.
3. Reporting the task result and discuss:
- Call 3- 4 Ss to read the words again.
4. Giving the remarks to their doing the task:
Checking: what and where
I. Vocabulary:
permanent (a): vĩnh viễn, mãi mãi (lasting forever; never changing)
earplug (n): cái nút tai
affect (v): làm ảnh hưởng
hearing loss (n): mất thính lực
blood pressure (n): huyết áp
C. Activity 3: Practice
Help Ss listen to answer the question to know about noise pollution	and do exercises.
*Content: do the tasks.
*Output:do the tasks.
* Process:
Have Ss read the questions in the questionnaire to make sure they understand everything. Explain any unclear points.
Then Ss answer the questionnaire individually.
T reminds them to circle their answers.
T asks Ss to work in pairs to compare their answer and see if they have any different answers. They don‟t have to reach an agreement at this stage.
Noise pollution is more common and more damaging ..
Compare their answer with those of a classmate. How many different answers have you got?
Ss work in pairs to compare their answers and see if they have any different answers.
Ask some pairs to report on their differences
1. Transferring the learning task.
T plays the recording for Ss to check their answers.
Ask Ss to listen and check
2. Doing the task.
Ss listen to the recording twice, if there are any incorrect answers, Ss correct them.
Ask Ss if any of answers has surprised them, and if so, why.
3. Reporting the task result and discuss.
T call on some Ss to write on the board
Some Ss can write the answers on the board.
Others remark.
4. Giving the remarks to their doing thetask.
T checks Ss‟ answers then give feedback.
Explain some new words if any.
Ss listen and write down some new words
Now listen to a short presentation about noise pollution. How many correct answers have you got?
B	2. C
3. A	4. B
5. C	6. A
7. A	8.C
constant (adj): không ngớt, liên tục decibel (n): đềxiben (đơn vị đo cường độ âm thanh)
a vacuum cleaner (n): máy hút bụi buzzing (n): tiếng vo vo/vù vù
D. Activity 4: Application
*Aims: Discuss other ways to prevent noise pollution.
* Content:complete the exercise.
* Output:Almost all the students can do these exercises correctly
1.Transfering the learning task:
- T asks Ss to work in groups of five or six.
Tasks Ss work in groups in five minutes to discuss more ways to reduce noise pollution. Ss write their answers on a big piece of paper
2. Doin

Tài liệu đính kèm:

  • docgiao_an_mon_ieng_anh_khoi_8_unit_7_pollution.doc