Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Unit 7: Pollution (Bản hay)

1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ss will be able to have knowledge about
+ Vocabulary: Pollution
+ Pronunciation: stress in words ending in –ic and -al
2. Competences:
+ Develop communicative competence, discovery, cooperation competence and thinking competence.
+ Use the lexical items related to Pollution
+ Raising their awareness of broadening their knowledge of Pollution
+ Pronounce stress in words ending in -ic and -al exactly.
3. Quality: Students can understand more about Pollution.
T : Textbook, lesson plan, a projector, a laptop
Ss : Learn the old lesson, prepare Unit 7: A closer look 1.
1. WARM UP: ( 5’)
- Organization 8C:. 8D:.
a. Goal: Review the Pollution
b. Content : Ss can tell about the Pollution
c. Expected result: Ss can tell the types of Pollution
d. Performance
Ask Ss to call out the types of pollution they learnt in the previous lesson.
Tell them that in this lesson they are going to learn different forms of some words as well as some words/ phrases to talk about the causes and effects of pollution. Answer the questions
Call the types of pollution
a. Goal: Provide Ss necessary vocabulary related to the Pollution
b. Content : Remind Ss of the words they learnt in Getting Started and point out the difference among the types of pollution
c. Expected result: understand using and meaning of the vocabularies
d. Performance:
Giáo án soạn theo cv 5512 UNIT 7: POLLUTION LESSON 1: GETTING STARTED A. OBJECTIVES: 1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to : interact speaking about A project on pollution + Vocabulary: use the lexical items related to the topic ‘Pollution” + Skills. - Students develop listening, speaking, reading and writing skills, Roling-play, spoken interaction about the topic in getting started 2. Competence. - Students have serious attitude in learning. - Ss are interested in learning English. 3. Quality - Language: get acquainted with the topic Pollution - Problem solving: find out the correct answer about the text B. TEACHING AIDS T : Textbook, lesson plan, , a projector, a laptop Ss : Learn the old lesson, prepare Unit 8: Getting started C. PROCEDURE 1. WARM UP : ( 5’) - Organization: 8A:.................... 8B:.......................... 8C:................................ a. Goal: Motivate ss to interest in the topic of the lesson and create the fun atmosphere before starting the new lesson. b. Content : Talk about Pollution c. Expected result: Ss can express their idea. d. Performance: Write the title ‘Pollution” on the board. ? Ask Ss to call out things which cause pollution, e.g., cars, factories, cows, 2. PRESENTATION : ( 10’) a. Goal: Provide Ss necessary vocabularies b. Content : Ss read the vocabularies and match the words to make common expressions. c. Expected result: Ss can master the vocabularies d. Performance: TEACHER’S & STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES CONTENT + Present new words. Step 1: Transfering the learning task - Teacher use different techniques to teach vocab (situation, realia) - Follow the seven steps of teaching vocab. Step 2: Performing the task: - Repeat in chorus and individually - Copy all the words Step 3: Discussion -Some students repeat the vocabulary in front of class Step 4: Conclusion - T makes sure that all student copy the new words and the meaning of them * Checking vocab: Recall Step 1: Transfering the learning task * Set the scenes: ? Look at the title of the conversation and the picture. - Ask them some questions: Who can you see in the picture? Where do you think they are? What can you see in the picture? What do you think the people in the picture are talking about? Play the recording and have Ss follow along Step 2: Performing the task: SS: work individually Step 3: Discussion - Ss answer the questions as a class. Step 4: Conclusion Teacher gets feedback Pre- teach vocab: - poison (n/v): chất độc, làm ô nhiễm - dump (v): vứt, bỏ - Aquatic (a):dưới nước - Illustrate (n) hạt chuỗi - Thermal pollution (n) sự ô nhiễm nhiệt - Radioactive pollution (n): ô nhiễm phóng xạ - Visual pollution (n) ô nhiễm thị giác - Billboard (n): biển quảng cáo ngoài trời 2. Present the dialogue - Answer the questions individually. * Suggested answers - Nick and Mi. - They are near a factory. - I/We can see a factory dumping exhaust fume and poison into the lake. - They are talking about pollution. 3. PRACTICE (15’) a.Goal: understand and do exercises correctly b. Content: Listen and circle, Read and tick: Individual, Answer the questions: Teacher – Whole class c. Expected result: - Co-operation: interact with the teacher find out the answers - Communication: answer positively - Language: use English to answer d. Performance EX1: 1a & 1b Step 1: Transferring the learning task: - Find a word or an expression from the conversation which you use when you .. - Add any other expressions which have the same meaning. - Run through the questions Step 2: Performing the task: Ss find a word / an expression and read the conversation again to answer the questions. Share answers with your partner. Step 3: Discussion Call on some Ss to write their answers on the board. Step 4: Conclusion Teacher gets feedback and check their answers 1c. Tick T, F or NI... ( P7) Step 1: Transferring the learning task: - T asks Ss to read the sentences quickly - Firstly to decide if the sentences are true, false or there is no information without reading the dialogue. Step 2: Performing the task - Ss work in dividually to do the task Step 3: Discussion - Then have some Ss write their answers on the board. Step 4: Conclusion - Read the conversation again to check - Confirm the correct answers. 1a.Key: 1. dead 2. aquatic 3. dump 4. poison 5. polluted 6. to come up with This expression means you are very surprised at something you see. 1b.Key: 1. They are in Mi’s home village. 2. It’s almost black. 3. She’s surprised because she sees the fish are dead. 4. It’s dumping poison into the lake. 5. He’s sneezing so much because the air is not clean. 1c.Key: 1. F ( It’s polluted by the factory). 2. T 3. NI 4. T 5. T Ex 2: There are different types of pollution. Write eaxh type under a picture Step 1: Transferring the learning task: T may teach some words which T thinks Ss do not know such as contamination. Step 2: Performing the task Ss do this activity individually and then compare their answers with a classmate. Step 3: Discussion Call on some Ss to stand up and give their answers. Step 4: Conclusion Confirm the correct answers. A.Radioactive pollution B. Noise pollution C. Visual pollution D. Thermal pollution E. Water pollution F. Soil/land pollution G. Radioactive pollution H.Light pollution Ex 3: Complete the sentences with the types of pollution Step 1: Transferring the learning task: Have Ss read through the sentences to get a general understanding. Step 2: Performing the task - Work individually to do the task then compare their answers with a partner. Step 3: Discussion Call on some Ss to stand up and give their answers. Step 4: Conclusion Confirm the correct answers. 3.Key: 1.thermal pollution 2. Air pollution 3.radioactive pollution 4. light pollution 5. Water pollution 6. Land/ soil pollution 7. Noise pollution 8. visual pollution 4. PRODUCTION (15’) a. Goal: can do exercise use English words relating to the topic b.Content - Co-operation: interact with partners find out the answers - Language: use English words relating to the topic c. Expected result: Students know how to do the exercise d. Performance: 4.Work in groups... (P7) Step 1: Transferring the learning task: - T asks Ss to work in groups of five or six Step 2: Performing the task. - In five minutes, Ss write down the pollution types their neighbourhood faces and rank them in order of seriousness. They also have to give reasons for their order. Step 3: Discussion - Call group representatives to present their group’s order and reasons. Step 4: Conclusion - Vote for the group with the best reasons. (If time does not allow, do not have Ss do this activity. Instead just ask Ss to quickly review the pollution types.) HOMEWORK (2') - Learn by heart all the new words. - Do Ex B1,2 , 3 P4 (Workbook) - Prepare: Closer Look 1 UNIT 7: POLLUTION LESSON 2: A CLOSER LOOK 1 A. OBJECTIVES. 1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson ss will be able to have knowledge about + Vocabulary: Pollution + Pronunciation: stress in words ending in –ic and -al 2. Competences: + Develop communicative competence, discovery, cooperation competence and thinking competence. + Use the lexical items related to Pollution + Raising their awareness of broadening their knowledge of Pollution + Pronounce stress in words ending in -ic and -al exactly. 3. Quality: Students can understand more about Pollution. B. TEACHING AIDS. T : Textbook, lesson plan, a projector, a laptop Ss : Learn the old lesson, prepare Unit 7: A closer look 1. C. PROCEDUCE 1. WARM UP: ( 5’) - Organization 8C:............................. 8D:........................... a. Goal: Review the Pollution b. Content : Ss can tell about the Pollution c. Expected result: Ss can tell the types of Pollution d. Performance TEACHER'S &SS' ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Ask Ss to call out the types of pollution they learnt in the previous lesson. Tell them that in this lesson they are going to learn different forms of some words as well as some words/ phrases to talk about the causes and effects of pollution. Answer the questions Call the types of pollution 2. PRESENTATION : PRE TEACH VOCABULARY (10’) a. Goal: Provide Ss necessary vocabulary related to the Pollution b. Content : Remind Ss of the words they learnt in Getting Started and point out the difference among the types of pollution c. Expected result: understand using and meaning of the vocabularies d. Performance: TEACHER'S &SS' ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Step 1: Transferring the learning task - T uses picture and elicits words from Ss Step 2: Performing the task - SS Listen carefully and repeat the words. - SS Work in groups of 2 – 3 so that Ss can help each other with difficult vocabulary. Step 3: Discussion When finish, listen to the recording to check their answers as well as to practice the pronunciation of the new words. Step 4: Conclusion -T makes sure that all students copy the new words and understand the meaning of them Poison (n): chất độc, thuốc độc Contaminate (v) làm bẩn, làm ô nhiễm Pollution (n) sự ô nhiễm Polluted (a) ô nhiễm Death (n): sự chết, cái chết, sự tiêu tan Damaged (a) : hư hại cause (n/v): Nguyên nhân,gây ra effect (n: làm ảnh hưởng 3. PRACTICE: (20’) a. Goal: - Revise the vocabulary learnt in both Getting Started and Activity 1 of A Closer Look 1. - Stress in words ending in –ic and -al b. Content: - Ss choose a word / phrase from the box for each description below. - Ss listen, repeat and read the words c. Expected result: - Ss can identify a word from its description. - Ss listen, repeat and read the words d. Performance: TEACHER'S &SS' ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Ex 1: Step 1: Transferring the learning task Have Ss look at the table in the book. Make sure that they understand what to do. Step 2: Performing the task Ss complete the exercise individually and then compare their answers with a partner Step 3: Discussion Call on some Ss to write their answers on the board. Step 4: Conclusion -T checks their answers. 2. Complete the sentences with the words from the table in 1. You do not need to use all the words. The first letter of each word has been provided. Step 1: Transferring the learning task -T has Ss read each sentence silently to have a general understanding and decide which word form should be put in each blank. For example, the word to be filled in the blank in sentence 1 is an adjective. - Point out that the provided letter is a clue to help them find the word. Step 2: Performing the task - Ss do the exercise and then compare their answers with a partner. Step 3: Discussion - T calls on one or two Ss to give out the answers before confirming the correct ones. Step 4: Conclusion -T checks their answers *Study the language box Step 1: Transferring the learning task - T asks Ss to look at the language box. - Tell Ss that the words and phrases in the box express cause and effect relationships. Ss have learnt so, because and because of. Quickly go through the rest of words/phrases as follows: Step 2: Performing the task -Ss listen and take notes Step 3: Discussion - Ss ask T for more detail about the Cause - effect Step 4: Conclusion -T make sure that all Ss get a graps of this knowledge . 3a. Decide which sentence in each pair of sentences is a cause and which is an effect. Write C (for cause) or F (for effect) next to each sentence. Note that the words in brackets relate to Activity 3b. Step 1: Transferring the learning task Ask Ss to read the each pair of sentences and decide which sentence is an effect. Step 2: Performing the task -Ss work in pair to do the task Step 3: Discussion Ss compare their answers with a partner before giving the answers to the teacher. Step 4: Conclusion Confirm the correct answers. b. Combine the sentences in each pair into a new sentence that shows a cause/ effect relationship. Use the cause or effect signal word or phrase given in brackets. You will have to add, delete, or change words in most sentences. Step 1: Transferring the learning task -T asks Ss to read the example. Ask them what changes they can see in the sentence. T may have Ss look at the language box again to remind them of the structures. Now Ss have to combine each pair of sentences in 3a into a complete sentence using the word/ phrase in brackets. Step 2: Performing the task -Ss do as requested to complete the task Step 3: Discussion Ss compare their answers with a partner before giving the answers to the teacher. Step 4: Conclusion - Confirm the correct answers. Ex 5. Listen and mark the stress in each word, then repeat it. Step 1: Transferring the learning task Play the recording for Ss to tress the words. Ask some to say where the tress in each word is. Step 2: Performing the task -Ss do as requested to complete the task Step 3: Discussion - One Ss stands up and gives answer, other student listen and give comments Step 4: Conclusion T confirms the correct answers. T plays the recording again for Ss to repeat the words. - T calls on some Ss to read out the words 6. Underline the words ending in –ic and circle the words ending in –al in the following sentences. Mark the stress in each word. Listen and check your answers, then repeat the sentences. Step 1: Transferring the learning task: -T has Ss do the activity individually then play the recording for Ss to check their answers. Step 2: Performing the task Ss work individually to do the task Step 3: Discussion - One Ss stands up and gives answer, other student listen and give comments Step 4: Conclusion - T then elicits the correct stress patterns from Ss. -T plays the recording again for Ss to repeat the sentences. Ex 1: Poison Contaminate Pollution Polluted Death Damaged 2.Key: 1. Poisonous 2. Pollutants 3. Dead 4. Contaminated 5. Damage 6. Pollute - because/since and due to/because of are used to talk about the causes of something. - Because and since are synonyms and they come before a clause. - Other words and phrases in the box express the effects of something. So comes before a clause. To cause, to lead to and to result in are synonyms and come before a noun phrase. To make sb/sth do sth is another way to express the effects. After somebody/something is an infinitive verb without to. CAUSE EFFECT because/ since + clause E.g: Because/ Since the water is polluted, the fish are dead. so + clause The water is polluted, so the fish are dead. due to/ because of + sth The fish are dead due to/ because of the polluted water. to cause sth/ to lead to sth/ to result in sth The polluted water causes/ results in the dead of fish. to make sb/ sth do sth The polluted water make the fish die. 3a. Key; 1. People throw litter on the ground. C Many animals eat the litter and become sick. E 2. Ships spill oil in oceans and rivers. C Many aquatic animals and plants die. E 3. Households dump waste into the river. C It is polluted. E 4. Their children have birth defects. E The parents were exposed to radiation C . 5. We can’t see the stars at night. E There is too much light pollution. C 3b. Key: 2. Oil spills from ships in oceans and rivers lead to the death of many aquatic animals and plants. 3. Households dump waste into the river so it is polluted. 4. Since the parents were exposed to radiation, their children have birth defects. 5. We can’t see the stars at night due to the light pollution. 5.Key: 1. ar’tistic 6. ‘physical 2. ath’letic 7. he’roic 3. his’toric 8. po’etic 4. his’torical 9. bo’tanic 5. ‘logical 10. Bo’tanical 6.Key: 1. scien’tific 2. ‘national 3. ‘medical 4. ‘chemical 5. dra’matic 4. PRODUCTION: (10’ ) a. Goal: Help Ss to memorize the learnt vocabularies b. Content : Ss guess what words or phrase is by work in groups c. Expected result: Ss can memorize the learnt words and the way of using. d. Performance: TEACHER'S &SS' ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Ex 4: Work in groups. Look at the pairs of pictures. Give as many sentences as possible to show cause/effect relatioships Step 1: Transferring the learning task Have Ss look at the pictures in 1. Ask Ss which picture shows the cause and which shows the effect. Then ask them to read the example sentences and pay attention to the cause/ effect words or phrases. This activity can also ba carried out as a game. Divide the class into 12 groups. Two groups work with the same pair of pictures in 2, 3 or 4. In three minutes, groups of Ss write down as many sentences based on the given picture pair as possible on a sheet of paper. Step 2: Performing the task Ss work in groups to write sentences showing cause/ effect relationships. Step 3: Discussion When time is up, the group with the most sentences is the winner. They stick their sheet of paper on the board and read the sentences aloud. Step 4: Conclusion Other groups and T givens comments. Other groups can add any sentences they have.. 4.Key: 2. The soil is polluted, so plants can’t grow. 3. We won’t have fresh water to drink because of water pollution. 4. We plant trees, so we can have frest air. *HOMEWORK - T asks Ss to do homework - Use lexical items related to Pollution, how to mark stress ending “ ic” and “ al” - Learn by heart the new words and structures. - Do exercises in workbook. - Find some words ending with “ ic” and “ al” - Prepare: Unit 7- A closer look 2 Week : Planning: Period: 63 Teaching : UNIT 7: POLLUTION LESSON 3: A CLOSER LOOK 2 A.OBJECTIVES 1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to - Use conditional sentences type 1 and type 2 correctly and appropriately to describe pollution - practice skills: readings and writing skill 2. Cometence: - Communication, self study, self-check 3. Quality: Students can use conditional sentences to do exercises B.TEACHING AIDS: 1. Teacher’s: teacher book 2. Students’: Textbooks, notebooks. C. PROCEDURE 1. WARM- UP (5’) a. Goal: help ss to recall conditional type 1 b. Content: Ss give the use, the form and the signal of conditional type 1 c. Expected result: Ss can remember the use, the form and the signal of conditional type 1 d. Performance: T: asks ss to work in pairs to answer the questions: Ask Ss to give some example sentences. => Lead to new lesson. 2. PRESENTATION (10’) a.Goal: introduce new words b. Content: s can pronouce new words c. Expected result: ss can understand and use new words d. Performance: T AND SS’ ACTIVITIES CONTENTS * Pre- teach vocabulary: translation/ situation Step 1: Transfering the learning task - T: writes new words on the board. Step 2: Performing the task - Ss: listen and repeat in individual first then the whole class. Step 3: Discussion - Call 3- 4 Ss to read the words again. - Ss copy the new words in their notebooks. Step 4: Conclusion * Checking: rub out and remember I. Vocabulary -recycle (v) tái chế - dump (v) đổ (rác) - save (v) tiết kiệm - waste (v) bỏ đi, thải đi - tidy (v): dọn dẹp, sắp xếp gọn gàng 3.PRACTICE (20’) 3.1 Practice 1 a.Goal: using the conditional sentence type 1 to do exercises b. Content: Do exercises 1,2 in textbook c. Expected result: can do exercises well d. Performance: T AND SS’ ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Ex 1. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form Step 1: Transferring the learning task: - Let Ss do Ex 1individually. - Asks Ss to share ideas with in pairs or small groups. - T encourages Ss to explain how decided on the tense in each sentences. Step 2: Performing the task: - Ss share ideas with in pairs or small groups. Step 3: Discussion - T calls some students to read their sentences. Step 4: Conclusion T corrects as a class. Ex 2. Combine each pair of sentences to make a conditional sentences Step 1: Transferring the learning task: - T asks Ss to read the pairs of sentences. - Ask two Ss to write the new conditional sentences type 1 on the board while other Ss write own sentences. Step 2: Performing the task - Ss do as requested to do the task Step 3: Discussion Ss compare their answer with their partner Step 4: Conclusion - Give feedback on these sentences and ask other Ss to correct them if necessary. II. Grammar 1. Conditional sentences type 1: review 1.Key: recycle; will help won’t dump; fines travel; will be will save; don’t waste use; will have 2. Key: 1. Student will be more aware of protecting the environment if teachers teach environmental issues at school. 2. When light pollution happens, animals will change their behavior patterns. 3. The levels of radioactive pollution will decrease if we switch from nuclear power to renewable energy sources. 4. If the water temperature increases, some creatures will be unable to reproduce. 5. People will get more diseases if the water is contaminated. 3.2 Practice 2 a.Goal: using conditional sentences type 2 to do exercises b. Content: Do exercises 3,4,5 in textbook c. Expected result: can do exercises well d. Performance: T AND SS’ ACTIVITIES CONTENTS 3.Match an If-clause in A... (P10) Step 1: Transferring the learning task: - T asks Ss do this exercise individually Step 2: Performing the task Ss work individually to do the task Step 3: Discussion - Ss compare their answers with a classmate. Step 4: Conclusion - Check Ss’answers. 4. Put the verbs in brackets... (P10) Step 1: Transferring the learning task: - T asks Ss do this exercise individually Step 2: Performing the task Ss work individually to do the task Step 3: Discussion - T invites two Ss to the board to write their answers. - Go through the answers with the class. Step 4: Conclusion -T has other Ss correct the answers if necessary. 5. Write a conditional sentences... (P10) Step 1: Transferring the learning task: - T asks Ss quickly read the example. -T Ask Ss to comment on the example. - the meaning of the orginal sentences was made opposite in the new conditional sentence. (i.e. positive into negative form for the first sentence and negative into positive for the second sentence). Step 2: Performing the task - Do this exercise individually and then compare the answers with a classmate. Step 3: Discussion -Ask one or two Ss to write their sentences on the board. Step 4: Conclusion -T has other Ss correct the answers if necessary. 3.Key: 1. b 2. c 3. d 4. e 5. a Ex 4. Key: 1. were; would do 2. exercised; would be 3. had; would build 4. tidied; wouldn’t be 5. was/were; would grow 5. Key: 2. If there weren’t many billboards in our city, people could enjoy the view. 3. If there wasn’t/weren’t so much light in the city at night, we could see the stars clearly. 4. If we didn’t turn on the heater all the time, we wouldn’t have to pay three million dong for electricity a month. 5. If the karaoke bar didn’t make so much noise almost every night, the residents wouldn’t complain to its owner. 6. She wouldn’t have a headache after work every day if she didn’t work in a noisy office. PRODUCTION a. Goal: explore Conditonal sentences type 1 and type 2 b. Content : Play game c. Expected result: How much you know how to conditonal sentences type 1 and type 2 d. Performance: T AND SS’ ACTIVITIES CONTENTS 6. Chain game.... (P10) - Work in groups of five or six - Keep the chain going for as long as possible using type 1 or 2 conditional sentences. - If a group hesitates for more than 10 seconds they are out. - walk around the class listening to groups and monitoring the game. Groups that are still going when the five minutes is up are the winners. - Note that the aim is to practice the language in a fun, verbal way so be sure to keep the atmosphere light. Example A: If each person plant a tree, there will be a lot of trees. B: If there are a lot of trees, the air will be cleaner. A: If the air is cleaner, fewer people will be ill * HOMEWORK - Learn by heart all the new words and structures - Do B4, B5, B6 P5 (Work book) - Prepare: Lesson 4: Communication Week : Planning: Period:64 Teaching : UNIT 7: POLLUTION LESSON 4: COMMUNICATION I. OBJECTIVES. 1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - Talk about noise pollution, a common pollution type that not many people recognise as a pollution. - Vocabulary: extra words related to the topic - Grammar: 2. Competence: Communication 3. Quality: - Knowing the noise pollution - Ss love the subject II. TEACHING AIDS. Teacher: Textbook, workbook, English room Students: Textbook, workbook III. PROCEDURE. 1. WARM UP . (8’) a. Goal: help Ss to understand noise pullution b. Content : Noise pollution c. Expected result: know about noise pollution d. Performance: TEACHER'S & SS' ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Ask Ss to tell kinds of pollution. Tell Ss that in this lesson they will have the oppoturnity to explore noise pollution, a common pollution type that not many people recognise as a pollution. Brainstorming 2. PRESENTATION. (12’) a. Goal: explore noise pollution b. Content: - teach the new word- Do the questionare c. Expected result: know about noise pollution d. Performance: TEACHER'S & SS' ACTIVITIES CONTENTS * Teaching vocabulary Step 1: Transfering the learning task - Teacher use different techniques to teach vocab (situation, realia) - Follow the seven steps of teaching vocab. Step 2: Performing the task: - Repeat in chorus and individually - Copy all the words Step 3: Discussion -Some students repeat the vocabulary in front of class Step 4: Conclusion - T makes sure that all student copy the new words and the meaning of them * Checking vocab: Slap the board Do the questionaire and choose the correct answers Step 1: Transferring the learning task: - Do the questionaire and choose the correct answers - Have ss do the quiz individually as quick as possible - Set a limit time is 5 minutes Step 2: Performing the task: - Ss work individually to do the questionaire and share their answers with their partners Step 3: Discussion Check the class by asking for a show of hands for each question. Step 4: Conclusion T remarks results of the learning task. 1. Vocabulary - permanent (a) : vĩnh cửu, thường xuyên - hearing loss (n) mất thính giác - earplug (n): nút tai - affect (n): sự ảnh hưởng - blood pressure (n): huyết áp Choose the correct answer 1. B 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. C 6. A 7. A 8.C 3. PRACTICE. (15’) a. Goal: explore Noise pollution b. Content : Compare the answer c. Expected result: know about Noise pollution d. Performance: TEACHER'S & SS' ACTIVITIES CONTENTS 2. Compare your answers with those of a classmate.... Step 1: Transferring the learning task: -T has ss to work in pairs. - T explains the requirement to the class Step 2: Performing the task: - Ss work in pairs to do the task Step 3: Discussion -Ss compare their answers and see if they have any different answers Step 4: Conclusion T ask some pairs to report on their differents. Ex 3.Now listen to a short presentation abour noise pollution... Step 1: Transferring the learning task: T plays the recording for Ss to check their answers. Step 2: Performing the task: Ss listen to the recording twice. Step 3: Discussion If there are any incorrect answers, Ss correct them. Step 4: Conclusion Ask Ss if any of the answers has surprised them, and if so, why. Choose the correct answer 1. B 2. C 3. A 4.B 5. C 6. A 7. A 8.C 4. PRODUCTION. (8’) a. Goal: explore Noise pollution b. Content : Work in groups c. Expected result: The way to prevent noise pollution d. Performance: TEACHER'S & SS' ACTIVITIES CONTENTS 4. Work in groups. Discuss other ways to prevent noise pollution Step 1: Transferring the learning task: - Ask Ss which of the eight questions in the questions ways to prevent noise pollution. Have Ss work in groups in five minutes to discuss more ways to reduce noise pollution. Step 2: Performing the task: Ss work in group to do the task Step 3: Discussion Ss write their answers on a big piece of paper and then prevent their answers. Step 4: Conclusion T has Ss vote for the best ways. EX 4. Work in groups *HOMEWORK: (2 minutes) - Learn by heart all the new words and structures. - Do exercises: in the work book. - Prepare:
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