Giáo án Trái buổi Anh Văn 8 - Năm học 2020-2021

Giáo án Trái buổi Anh Văn 8 - Năm học 2020-2021

Các nguyên tắc đánh trọng âm:

Nguyên tắc 1: Phần lớn động từ và giới từ có 2 âm tiết có trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết thứ hai.

relax /rɪˈlæks/

produce /prə'duːs/

include /ɪnˈkluːd/

Nguyên tắc 2: Hầu hết danh từ và tính từ có 2 âm tiết đều có trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết thứ nhất.

(n) action /ˈækʃn/ paper /ˈpeɪpər/ teacher /ˈtiːtʃər/

(adj) happy /ˈhæpi/ rainy /ˈreɪni/ active /ˈæktɪv/

Nguyên tắc 3: Với những từ có 3 âm tiết trở lên, trọng âm thường rơi vào âm tiết thứ 3 tính từ cuối lên.


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 Giáo án Trái buổi Anh Văn 8 ( 2020 – 2021 )
 Week Date of composing : 
 Period: 1 Date of teaching : 
 * Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know rule of stress.
 * Procedures: 
Contents & stages
Teacher’ activities
Students’ activities
*Các nguyên tắc đánh trọng âm:
Nguyên tắc 1: Phần lớn động từ và giới từ có 2 âm tiết có trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết thứ hai.
relax /rɪˈlæks/
produce /prə'duːs/
include /ɪnˈkluːd/
Nguyên tắc 2: Hầu hết danh từ và tính từ có 2 âm tiết đều có trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết thứ nhất.
(n) action /ˈækʃn/ paper /ˈpeɪpər/ teacher /ˈtiːtʃər/
(adj) happy /ˈhæpi/ rainy /ˈreɪni/ active /ˈæktɪv/
Nguyên tắc 3: Với những từ có 3 âm tiết trở lên, trọng âm thường rơi vào âm tiết thứ 3 tính từ cuối lên.
economy /ɪˈkɑːnəmi/ industry /ˈɪndəstri/
intelligent /ɪnˈtelɪdʒənt/ specialize /ˈspeʃəlaɪz/ geography /dʒiˈɑːɡrəfi/
Nguyên tắc 4:
 Các từ tận cùng bằng các đuôi - ic, - ish, - ical, - sion, - tion, - ance, - ence, - idle, - ious, - iar, - ience, - id, - eous, - ian, - ity thì thì trọng âm nhấn vào âm tiết ngay trước nó :
economic /ˌiːkəˈnɑːmɪk/
foolish /ˈfuːlɪʃ/
entrance /ˈentrəns/
Nguyên tắc 5:
Các từ có hậu tố: - ee, - eer, - ese, - ique, - esque , - ain thì trọng âm rơi vào chính âm tiết đó
agree /əˈɡriː/
volunteer /ˌvɑːlənˈtɪr/
Vietnamese /ˌvjetnəˈmiːz/
Nguyên tắc 6:
 Các từ có hậu tố: - ment, - ship, - ness, - er/ or, - hood, - ing, - en, - ful, - able, - ous, - less thì trọng âm chính của từ không thay đổi
agree /əˈɡriː/ à agreement /əˈɡriːmənt/
meaning /ˈmiːnɪŋ/ à meaningless /ˈmiːnɪŋləs/
rely /rɪˈlaɪ/ à reliable /rɪˈlaɪəbl/
Nguyên tắc 7:
 Các từ tận cùng – graphy, - ate, - gy, - cy, - ity, - phy, - al thì trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết thứ 3 từ dưới lên
geography /dʒiˈɑːɡrəfi/
photography /fəˈtɑːɡrəfi/
investigate /ɪnˈvestɪɡeɪt/
Nguyên tắc 8:
 Danh từ ghép: Trọng âm thường rơi vào âm tiết thứ 1
birthday /ˈbɜːrθdeɪ/
airport /ˈerpɔːrt/
boyfriend /ˈbɔɪfrend/
greenhouse /ˈɡriːnhaʊs/
Nguyên tắc 9:
 Tính từ ghép (thường có dấu gạch ngang ở giữa): Trọng âm rơi vào từ thứ hai
Sự thay đổi trọng âm của từ
_Practice again
-Writes on the board
Writes on the board
-Writes on the board
Take note
 *Comments: .. 
 Week Date of composing : 
 Period: 2 Date of teaching : 
* Objectives: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to revise exercise with stress 
* Procedures:
 Stages and contents
 Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
I.Warm up : chatting 
II. Pick out the words whose stressed is different from the rest.
1. A. doctor	B. farmer C. teacher	D. presenter 
2. A. family	 B. difficult 
 C. traditional D. beautiful
3. A. convenient	B. violent	
 C. environment	 D. considerate
4. A. dictionary	B. finally	
 C. generous	 D. international 
5. A. Vietnamese	 B. Japanese	
 C. Chinese	 D. engineer
6. A. rewrite	B. crier	 C. worker	D. singe
7. A. design	B. musician	C. confident	D. casual
8. A. Vietnamese	B. unique	C. begin	D. completely
9. A. mention	B. cotton	
C. favorite	D. traditional
10. A. correspond	B. recreation	
 C. museum	D. international
11. A. primary	B. official	 
 C. tropical	 D. literature
12. A. worship	B. climate	C. comprise	D. separate
13.A. population	B. secondary	
 C. region	D. Buddhism
14. A. primary	B. bamboo	
C. travel	D. family
15. A. exciting	B. collect	
C. exchange	D. evening
III. Homework:
1. A. unique	B. costly C. nuclear D. equal
2. A. climate	B. cotton C. thunder	 D. exist
3. A. ringit	B. puppet C. amount	 D. hobby
4. A. comprise	 B. wander C. provide D. divide
5. A. novel 	B. picnic C. parade	 D. funnel
6. A. label	B. destroy C. relax	D. predict
7. A. design	B. install C. describe	 D. website 
8. A. campus	B. quarter C. fashion	D. champagne
9. A. alien	B. advance C. model	 D. label
10. A. event	B. action C. subject	D. comment
-Aks students some questions
-Writes on the board 
-Explains and runs through
-Aks students to do the exercise
-Goes around to check
-Gets feedback
-Asks students
 “ Where is the stress?”
-Says, writes 
-Do the exercise 
-Give feedback
-Take note and do at home
*Comments: .. 
 Week Date of composing : 
 Period: 3 Date of teaching : 
*Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know and do exercise stress.
* Procedures:
Contents & stages
Teacher’ activities
Students’ activities
Ký tự phiên âm tiếng Anh cách đọc và cách viết ví dụ cụ thể thường gặp để bạn ghi nhớ cách đọc
Cách đọc phiên âm tiếng Việt
Ví dụ phổ biến
Đọc là ii nhưng dài, nặng và nhấn mạnh
Feet /fi:t/ See /si:/ Sheep
Đọc như i bình thường giống Tiếng Việt
Alien /eiliən/ xa lạ. Happy 
Đọc như i nhưng ngắn, dứt khoát
Fit /fIt/ hợp, vừa. Sit /sIt/
Đọc như e bình thường
Bed /bed/. Ten /ten/
Đọc là ea nối liền nhau và nhanh
Bad /bæd/ Hat /hæt/
Đọc là aa nhưng dài, nặng, nhấn mạnh
Arm /ɑ:m/ . Fast /fɑ:st/
ɒ, ɔ
Đọc là o dứt khoát
Got /ɡɒt/ . Shot /ʃɒt/
Đọc là oo dài, nặng và nhấn mạnh
Saw /sɔ:/ Short /ʃɔ:t/
Đọc là u ngắn và dứt khoát
Foot /fʊt/. Put /pʊt/
Đọc là uu dài, nặng, mạnh
Food /fu:d/. Too /tu:/
Đọc là u bình thường
Actual /´æktʃuəl/.
Đọc là â trong Tiếng Việt
Cup /cʌp/. Drum /drʌm/ 
Đọc là ơơ dài, nặng, nhấn mạnh
Bird /bɜ:d/. Nurse /nɜ:s/
Đọc là ơ bình thường trong TV
Ago /ə´gəʊ/. Never /´nevə(r)/
Đọc là êi hoặc ây trong Tiếng Việt
Page /peidʒ/. Say /sei/
əʊ, ou
Đọc là âu trong Tiếng Việt
Home /həʊm/. Low /ləʊ/
Đọc là ai trong Tiếng Việt
Five /faiv/. Sky /skai/
Đọc là ao trong Tiếng Việt
Flower /´flaʊə(r)/. Now /naʊ/
Đọc là ooi trong Tiếng Việt
Boy /bɔi/. Join /dʒɔin/
Đọc là iơ hoặc là ia trong Tiếng Việt
Here /hiə(r)/. Near /niə(r)/
Đọc là eơ liền nhau, nhanh, ơ hơi câm
Care /keə(r)/. Hair /heə(r)/
Đọc là uơ hoặc ua trong Tiếng Việt
Pure /pjʊə(r)/ . Tour /tʊə(r)/
Đọc là pơ ờ trong Tiếng Việt
Pen /pen/. Soup /su:p/
Đọc là bờ nhanh, dứt khoát
Bad /bæd/. Web /web/
Đọc là thờ nhanh, gọn, dứt điểm
Dot /dɒt/. Tea /ti:/
Đọc là đờ nhanh, gọn, dứt điểm
Did /did/. Stand /stænd/
Đọc là kha nhanh, gọn(giống caa)
Cat /kæt/. Desk /desk/
Đọc là gờ nhanh, dứt khoát
Bag /bæg/ Got /ɡɒt/
Đọc là chờ nhanh, gọn, dứt điểm
Chin /tʃin/. Match /mætʃ/ 
Đọc là giơ ngắn, dứt khoát
June /dʒu:n/. Page /peidʒ/
Đọc là phờ nhanh, dứt điểm
Fall /fɔ:l/. Safe /seif/
Đọc là vờ nhanh, gọn, dứt điểm
Voice /vɔis/. Wave /weiv/
Đọc là tờdờ nối liền, nhanh, tờ hơi câm
Bath /bɑ:ɵ/. Thin /ɵin/
Đọc là đờ nhanh, nhẹ
Bathe /beið/. Then /ðen/
Đọc là xờ nhanh, nhẹ, phát âm gió
Rice /rais/. So /səʊ/
Đọc là dơ nhẹ và kéo dài
Rose /rəʊz/. Zip /zip/ 
Đọc là sơ nhẹ, kéo dài hơi gió
She /ʃi:/. Wash /wɒʃ/
Đọc là giơ nhẹ, phát âm ngắn
Measure /´meʒə/. 
Đọc là hơ nhẹ, âm ngắn, gọn
How /haʊ/. Who /hu:/
Đọc là mơ nhẹ, âm ngắn, gọn
Man /mæn/. Some /sʌm/
Đọc là nơ nhẹ, âm ngắn, gọn
No /nəʊ/. Mutton /´mʌtn/
Đọc là ngơ nhẹ, dứt điểm
Singer /´siŋə/. Tongue /tʌŋ/ 
Đọc là lơ nhẹ, ngắn, dứt điểm
Leg /leg/. Metal /´metl/ 
Đọc là rơ nhẹ, ngắn, dứt khoát
Red /red/. Train /trein/
Đọc là iơ liền nhau, nối dài
Menu /´menju:/. Yes /jes/
Đọc là guơ liền nhau, nhanh, gọn
Wet /wet/. Why /wai/
-Read them again 
-Writes on the board
-Writes on the board
Take note
*Comments: .. 
 Week Date of composing : 
 Period: 4 Date of teaching : 
 Speaking skill 
*Objectives:By the end of the lesson, sts will be able talk about your leisure activity.
* Procedures:
T’s activities
Play sport
I.Warm up: Slap the board
Read books, play sport, do aerobics, do karate, draw, listen to music, cook, take photos . 
II. Speaking: Talk about your leisure activity.
My leisure activity
Your own idea
Read books
Watch TV
III. Homework:
-Practice speaking more at home
_Holds the game
-Explains how to speak
_Devides students to work in group of four
-Goes around to help
-Aks students to present individually
-Listen and correct if necessary ( When each student finish )
-In group,go to the board and play game
-Follows the teacher
-Work in group
-Present in front of the class
-Take note
Week: Date of composing : 
Period: 5 Date of teaching : 
* Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write a paragraph about the advantages of playing games online.
* Procedures:
Teacher’s activities
Students’s activities
I.Warmer: Net words 
Name of games online
 Sky garden
II. Writing: 
Write a paragraph about the advantages of playing games online. These cues may help you:
- Patient
- Creative
- Sensitive sensor 
-Write a complete writing at home. 
-Holds the game
-Gives the rule, explains
-Runs through
-Asks student to write 
-Goes around to check
-Asks student to go to the board 
-Sts play game
-Copy the questions 
-Do exercise 
-Compare with partner
-Go to the board 
Week: Date of composing : 
Period: 6 Date of teaching : 
* Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write a paragraph about the disadvantages of playing games online.
* Procedures:
Teacher’s activities
Students’s activities
I.Warmer: Net words 
Disadvantages of playing games online
II. Writing: 
Write a paragraph about the advantages of playing games online. These cues may help you:
- addictive
- myopic
- obesity
-Write a complete writing at home. 
-Holds the game
-Gives the rule, explains
-Runs through
-Asks student to write 
-Goes around to check
-Asks student to go to the board 
-Sts play game
-Copy the questions 
-Do exercise 
-Compare with partner
-Go to the board 
Week : Date of composing : 
Period : 7 Date of teaching : 
* Objectives: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able develop listening skill
* Procedures:
 Stages and contents
 Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
I.Warm up : sing a English song
1. Listen to the conversation twice and mark the best answer for each of the following questions.
Question 1: Her full name is . 
A. Pham Thi Nga B. Phan Thi Nga 
C. Pham Mai Nga D. Phan Mai Nga
Question 2: When was she born?
A. April 22 , 1998	 B.April 22 , 1989	 
C. April 20 , 1989 D. April 22 , 1988 
Question 3: She lives at .
A. 4 Tran Phu Street	 B. 5 Tran Phu Street 
C. 45 Tran Phu Street D. 55 Tran Phu Street
Question 4: She likes .
A. drawing	 B. outdoor activities	 
C. acting	 D. A, B and C are correct
2.Listen to the conversation twice and decide whether the following sentences are True (T) of False (F). Write your answer on the answer sheet. 
T 1: The woman wants to see the principal , Mr Kelvin 
F 2: The woman can’t see Mr Kelvin on Tuesday
F 3: The woman ’s name is THU
T 4: Her telephone number is 64683720942.
3.Listen and Circle the best option (a, b, c or d) to complete the following questions:
1. The author was trying to ______ .
a. show how important the language is
b. introduce a new way of language learning
c. give the reader advice on language learning
d. persuade the readers to join their new language class
2. The author wrote the passage to ______ .
a. students 	b. language learners 	c. doctors 	d. engineers
3. Which of the following could be the best title of the passage?
a. How To Be a Good Language Learner
b. How To Be a Good Teacher
c. A New Way of Language Learning
d. Dr. Lee’s Ideas
4. Language learners shouldn’t _____ .
a. get to class early 	b. ask and answer questions in class 
c. be absent from school 	d. use the new language outside of class
4.Listen the text , then choose True or False statement and write T (for TRUE) and F (for FALSE) to the folowing statements below:(1m)
T.......1.According to experts, children should learn many languages.
F........2. Children should learn a mother tongue.
T........3. Children should start to learn foreign languages as early as possible.
F........4. Experts think that it is a good idea for children to learn not just one language.
III. Homework :
 -Review lesson again 
-Holds the game
-Writes on the boards
-Explains and runs through
-Plays the tape 
-Gets feedback
-Explains and runs through
-Plays the tape 
-Gets feedback
-Explains and runs through
-Plays the tape 
-Gets feedback
-Play game
-Listen to teacher
-Listen to the tape
-Listen to teacher
-Listen to the tape
-Listen to teacher
-Listen to the tape
-Take note
Comments: .. 
Week : Date of composing :
Period : 8	 	Date of teaching : 	
* Objectives : By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to get further practice grammar with comparative of adjective and adverb 
* Procedures:
1. Comparative
* Short Adj/ Adv :
* Long Adj/ Adv :
* Note:
Good – well
Bad - worse
Far - farther / further
I/ Give the comparision of the adjectives
1. My house is (big).............than yours.
2. This flower is (beautiful).............than that one.
3. Non-smokers usually live (long)..............than smokers.
4. A holiday by the sea is (good)........than a holiday in the mountains.
5. It is strange but often a coke is (expensive).............than a beer.
6. The weather this summer is even (bad).............than last summer.
7. She can’t stay (long) .than 30 minutes.
8. The red shirt is better but it’s (expensive) . than the white one.
7. Being a firefighter is (dangerous) . than being a builder.
8. Lan sings ( sweet ) ..than Hoa
9. The weather this summer is even (hot) . than last summer.
10. Your accent is ( bad ) .than mine.
11. Hot dogs are (good) than hamburgers.
* Keys:
1. bigger 2. more beautiful
3. longer 4. better
5. more expensive 6. worse
7. longer 8. more expensive
9. hotter 10. worse
11. better
II/Choose the best answer
1. It is ....... in the city than it is in the country.
A. noisily B. more noisier C. noisier D. noisy
2. The English test was ....... than I thought it would be.
A. the easier B. more easy C. easiest D. easier
3. English is thought to be ....... than Math.
A. harder B. the more hard 
C. hardest D. the hardest
4. My house is ....... hers.
A. cheap than B. cheaper
C. more cheap than D. cheaper than
5. Her office is ....... away than mine.
A. father B . more far C. farther D. farer
6. Tom is ....... than David.
A. handsome B. the more handsome
C. more handsome D. the most handsome
7. He did the test .. I did.
A. as bad as B. badder than
C. more badly than D. worse than
8. A boat is ....... than a plane.
A. slower B. slowest 
C. more slow D. more slower
9. My new sofa is ....... than the old one.
A. more comfortable B. comfortably
C. more comfortabler D. comfortable
10. My sister dances .. than me.
A. gooder B. weller C. better D. more good
Study your lesson 
- Explain 
- Write on the board. 
- Ask Ss to copy down.
- Ask Ss to do.
- Call Ss to repair.
- Feedback.
- Call Ss to repair
- Ask Ss to copy down.
- Ask Ss to do.
- Call Ss to repair
- Feedback.
- Listen
- Copy down
- Copy down.
-Write on the board.
- Correct
-Repeat after the teacher
- Copy down.
-Choose the correct answer 
- Correct
Week : Date of composing :
Period : 9	 	Date of teaching : 	
* Objectives : By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to get further practice grammar with superlative of adjective and adverb 
* Procedures:
1. Superlative
* Short Adj/ Adv:
- ..THE Adj/ ADV-EST
* Long Adj/ Adv:
I/ Give the superlative of the adjectives
1. This is the (interesting) I have ever read.
2. Which is the (dangerous).............animal in the world?
3. Who is the (rich).............woman on earth?
4. He was the (clever) ..........thief of all.
5. He is (clever) . student in my group.
6. It’s (good) . holiday I’ve had.
7. Well, the place looks (clean) .now.
8. This is (exciting) . film I’ve ever seen.
9. It’s the (large) . company in the country.
* Key:
1. most interesting 2. most dangerous
3. richest 4. cleverest
5. the cleverest 6. the best
7. the cleanest 8. the most exciting
9. largest
III/Choose the best answer
1. She is ....... singer I’ve ever met.
A. worse B. bad C. the worst D. badly
2. She sings .. among the singers I have known.
A. the most beautiful B. the more beautiful
C. the most beautifully D. the more beautifully
3. She is ....... student in my class.
A. most hard-working B. more hard-working
C. the most hard-working D. as hard-working
4. Jupiter is ....... planet in the solar system.
A. the biggest B. the bigger C. bigger D. biggest
5. She runs in my class.
A. the slowest B. the most slow
C. the slowly D. the most slowly
6. My bedroom is ....... room in my house.
A. tidier than B. the tidiest
C. the most tidy D. more tidier
Study your lesson 
- Explain 
- Write on the board. 
- Ask Ss to copy down.
- Ask Ss to do.
- Call Ss to repair.
- Feedback.
- Call Ss to repair
- Ask Ss to copy down.
- Ask Ss to do.
- Call Ss to repair
- Feedback.
- Listen
- Copy down
- Copy down.
-Write on the board.
- Correct
-Repeat after the teacher
- Copy down.
-Choose the correct answer 
- Correct
Week : Date of composing :
Period : 10 	 	Date of teaching : 	
 Verbs of liking + gerunds / Verbs of liking + to Vo
* Objectives : By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to get further practice grammar with
Verbs of liking + gerunds / Verbs of liking + to Vo
 * Procedures:
I. Warm up: Net words 
Verbs of liking
II. Grammar:
1. Verb + V-ing/to V
2. Verbs + V-ing
Study your lesson 
- Explain 
- Write on the board. 
- Ask Ss to copy down.
- Ask Ss to copy down.
- Ask Ss to do.
- Call Ss to repair
_Asks sudents to write sentnces with liking verbs 
- Gets feedback.
- Listen
- Copy down
- Copy down.
-Repeat after the teacher
- Copy down.
-Choose the correct answer 
-Give feedback
- Correct
Week : Date of composing :
Period : 11	 	Date of teaching : 	
* Objectives : By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to review vocabulary unit 1,2 
* Procedures:
I. Vocabulary Unit 1:
1. adore /əˈdɔː(r)/ (v) : yêu thích, mê thích
2. addicted /əˈdɪktɪd/ (adj) : nghiện (thích) cái gì
3. beach game /biːtʃ ɡeɪm/ (n) : trò thể thao trên bãi biển
4. bracelet /ˈbreɪslət/ (n) : vòng đeo tay
5. communicate /kəˈmjuːnɪkeɪt/ (v) : giao tiếp
II. Vocabulary Unit 2: 
1 beehive /ˈbiːhaɪv/ (n) : tổ ong
2 brave /breɪv/ (adj) : can đảm
3 buffalo-drawn cart /ˈbʌfələʊ-drɔːn kɑːt/ (n) : xe trâu kéo
4 cattle /ˈkætl/ (n) : gia súc
5 collect /kəˈlekt/ (v) : thu gom, lấy
Study your lesson 
-Asks students to write on the board all the important words that they can remember in Unit 1. Leisure activities
-Controls the class and the time
-Corrects and decides which group is the winner.
-Asks students to write on the board all the important words that they can remember in Unit 2. Leisure activities
-Controls the class and the time
-Corrects and decides which group is the winner.
-Work in group
-Go to the board. Each students in each group write only one word in turn.
-If they can write any words, they will be punished
-If the time is up, which group has more words than the other is the winner 
-Repeat after the teacher
 Week Date of composing : 
 Period: 12 Date of teaching : 
 Speaking skill 
*Objectives:By the end of the lesson, sts will be able talk about the advantages of living in the countryside.
* Procedures:
T’s activities
I.Warm up: Slap the board
Friendly, hospitable, simple, fresh air, food, people , weather, trees, flowers, rivers .
II. Speaking: Talk about the advantages of living in the countryside.
Advantages / Benefit of living in the countryside
Traditional activities
 Your own ideas
III. Homework:
-Practice speaking more at home
_Holds the game
-Explains how to speak
_Devides students to work in group of four
-Goes around to help
-Aks students to present individually
-Listen and correct if necessary ( When each student finish )
-In group,go to the board and play game
-Follows the teacher
-Work in group
-Present in front of the class
-Take note
 Week Date of composing : 
 Period: 13 Date of teaching : 
 Speaking skill 
*Objectives:By the end of the lesson, sts will be able talk about the disadvantages of living in the countryside.
* Procedures:
T’s activities
I.Warm up: Slap the board
Traffic jam, overcrowed, 
II. Speaking: Talk about the disadvantages of living in the countryside.
Disdvantages / Benefit of living in the countryside
 Your own ideas
III. Homework:
-Practice speaking more at home
_Holds the game
-Explains how to speak
_Devides students to work in group of four
-Goes around to help
-Aks students to present individually
-Listen and correct if necessary ( When each student finish )
-In group,go to the board and play game
-Follows the teacher
-Work in group
-Present in front of the class
-Take note
Week: Date of composing : 
Period: 14 Date of teaching : 
* Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write a paragraph about the 
the advantages of life in the countryside
* Procedures:
Teacher’s activities
Students’s activities
I.Warmer: Net words 
Words to describe the advantages of living in countryside
II. Writing: 
Write a paragraph about the advantages of living in the countryside.
These cues may help you:
- Fresh air
- People 
- food
-Write a complete writing at home. 
-Holds the game
-Gives the rule, explains
-Runs through
-Asks student to write 
-Goes around to check
-Asks student to go to the board 
-Sts play game
-Copy the questions 
-Do exercise 
-Compare with partner
-Go to the board 
Week: Date of composing : 
Period: 15 Date of teaching : 
* Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write a paragraph about the 
the disadvantages of life in the countryside
* Procedures:
Teacher’s activities
Students’s activities
I.Warmer: Net words 
Words to describe the disadvantages of living in countryside
II. Writing: 
Write a paragraph about the disadvantages of living in the countryside.
- Fresh air
- Cheap and clean food
- Friendly people 
-Write a complete writing at home. 
-Holds the game
-Gives the rule, explains
-Runs through
-Asks student to write 
-Goes around to check
-Asks student to go to the board 
-Sts play game
-Copy the questions 
-Do exercise 
-Compare with partner
-Go to the board 
Week: Date of composing : 
Period: 16 Date of teaching : 
* Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to develop reading skills
* Procedures:
Teacher’s activities
Students’s activities
I.Warmer: Simon says 
II. Reading: 
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbers blanks. 
 Kenji and Ykari are new students in Peter’s class. They are from Japan.They said they (1) ____together,once a week. They studied their textbook (2) ______ it has the grammar at the back. They learned the rules (3) _____ heart and then they wrote (4)____of sentences and examples, and practiced with conversations.
Question 1: A. revised B. revision C. learned D. learning
Question 2: A. so B. so that C. because D. in order to
Question 3: A. with B. by C. on D. in
Question 4: A. lots B. lot C. many D. much
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. 
 Nich Johnson live with his parents, and his sister. They live in Wembley, in north London. Nick’s mum is called Sue. She works in a supermarket. His dad is called Jim and he works in a bank. Nick’s sister is called Tracy. She is nine years old. There is also a dog in the family. His name is Fred.
 Question 1: How many people are there in Nick Johnson’s family?
 A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5
 Question 2: Where does Nick’s family live?
 A. America B. England C. Scotland D. Australia
Question 3: Which does the word ‘his’ in line 5 refer to?
 A. Nick’s mother B. Nick’s sister 
 C. Nick’s dog D. Nick’s cousin
.Question 4: What’s Nick’s sister’s name?
 A. Sue B. Jim C. Tracy D. Fred
-Do the text at home. 
-Holds the game
-Gives the rule, explains
-Runs through
-Asks student to read the text and do the exercise 
-Goes around to check
-Asks student to go to the board 
-Sts play game
-Copy the questions 
-Do exercise 
-Compare with partner
-Go to the board 
Week : Date of composing : 
Period : 17 Date of teaching : 
* Objectives: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able develop listening skill
* Procedures:
 Stages and contents
 Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
I.Warm up : sing a English song
I.Listen to the conversation twice and mark the best answer for each of the following questions.
Question 1: Tom’s sister likes ....
A. playing badminton 	B. playing table tennis
C. collecting comic books	D. collecting coins
Question 2: His father goes fishing ......................
A. every Sunday	B. every morning	
C. in his free time	D. twice a week
Question 3:......................doesn’t like going fishing. 
A. His brother	 B. His sister	
C. His mother	 D. His cousin
Question 4: His cousin is good at playing . 
A. the piano	 B. the guitar	 
C. aerobics	 	D. tennis
II. Listen to the conversation twice and mark the best answer for each of the following questions.
Question 5: ..Lan is excited about the interesting activities she is going to do 
Question 6: ..She will participate in its recycling program 
Question 7: . She will collect glass, used paper and empty garbage 
Question 8: She hopes she can save money for her house 
III. Homework :
 -Review lesson again 
-Holds the game
-Writes on the boards
-Explains and runs through
-Plays the tape 
-Gets feedback
-Explains and runs through
-Plays the tape 
-Gets feedback
-Play game
-Listen to teacher
-Listen to the tape
-Listen to teacher
-Listen to the tape
-Take note
Comments: .. 
Week: Date of composing : 
Period: 18 Date of teaching : 
* Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to develop reading skills
* Procedures:
Teacher’s activities
Students’s activities
I.Warmer: Simon says 
II. Reading: 
 1. Reading and gap fill:
Hoa is excited about the (27) ...activities she is going to do in her free time. The Y&Y is having a plan to help the community. She’ll (28) . .in its recycling program. In joining this program, she ‘ll collect used paper, glass and empty cans. Then she will send them for (29) 
She hopes that she could save natural resources and earn some money (30) her school Y&Y in these activities. She also thinks about participating in either planting trees and flowers or helping the street children 
1. A. interesting B. interested C. boring	D. bored
2: A. take part B. participate C. fill 	D. A&B
3: A. recycle B. recyclable C.recycling 	D.recycled
4: A. in B. from C. for 	D. of
2. Reading and choose the best answer :
 I was born in Newcastle, a city in the North East of England. Newcastle is on the bank of the River Tyne. It is a quite big city of about 200,000 inhabitants. There is a cathedral and a university. There are five bridges over the River Tyne, which link Newcastle to the next town, Gateshead, where there is one of the biggest shopping centres in the world, the Metro Centre. A few years ago, the main industries were shipbuilding and coalmining, but now the chemical and soap industries are important. I moved from Newcastle ten years ago but I often return. I miss the people, who are so warm and friendly, and I miss the wild, beautiful countryside near the city, where there are so many hills and streams. 
 Question 1: Newcastle has______.
	A. one of the biggest shopping centres
	B. a wild, beautiful countryside
	C. only one bridge that links it

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  • docxgiao_an_trai_buoi_anh_van_8_nam_hoc_2020_2021.docx