Đề và đáp án kiểm tra một tiết học kì I Tiếng anh Lớp 8

Đề và đáp án kiểm tra một tiết học kì I Tiếng anh Lớp 8

I. Choose the best answer for each of the following sentences. (2.4 pt)

1. Harvesting the rice is much . than drying the rice.

 A. more harder B. more hardly C. hardlier D. harder

2. Look! Some children are the buffaloes.

 A. picking B. Playing C. Driving D. herding

3. Among the ethnic minorities,. Tay have the largest population.

 A. a B. An C. the D. Ө

4. . DIY brings you a lot of amazing benefits.

 A. Doing B. reading C. Playing D. Going

5. The 54 ethnic peoples of Viet Nam are _________, but they live peacefully.

 A. diverse B. similar C. unlike D. the same

6. ‘Children in my village often fly their kites in dry rice fields.’ ‘_______’

 A. It’s right up my street! B. That’s awesome.

 C. Exactly what I want. D. How interesting!

7. ____________ month is the Hoa Ban Festival of the Thai people held in?

 A. When B. Which C. How many D. How often

8. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.

 A. princess B. president C. present D.broccoli

9. Nam helps his parents the rice onto the ox-drawn cart.

 A. load B. Collect C. Dry D. ride


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Name: .
Class: .
Subject: English 8
 Time: 45 minutes
 ( Chương trình hệ 10 năm )
Code of paper
I. Listen and say if the sentences are true (T) or false (F) (1 pt)
1. Nobody lives in an earthen house now.
2. The village has electricity now.
3. Horses are still the only means of transport in the village.
4. The children used to go a long way to school.
5. More visitors are coming to see them.
II. Listen to the passage and then complete each blank with one correct word (1 pt)
1. Five-coloured sticky rice is important to northern .............................. region.
2. Five- coloured sticky rice has .................. colours: red, yellow, green, purple and white.
3. It is made using natural roots and ......................... leaves.
4. Purple or black symbolises ................... 
5. Five-coloured sticky rice is usually made and enjoyed at ..................
I. Choose the best answer for each of the following sentences. (2.4 pt)
1. Harvesting the rice is much . than drying the rice.
	A. more harder 	B. more hardly	C. hardlier	D. harder
2. Look! Some children are the buffaloes.
	A. picking	B. Playing	C. Driving	D. herding
3. Among the ethnic minorities,................... Tay have the largest population.
	A. a	B. An	C. the	D. Ө
4. ...................... DIY brings you a lot of amazing benefits.
	A. Doing	B. reading	C. Playing	D. Going
5. The 54 ethnic peoples of Viet Nam are _________, but they live peacefully.
	A. diverse	B. similar	C. unlike	D. the same
6. ‘Children in my village often fly their kites in dry rice fields.’ ‘_______’
	A. It’s right up my street!	B. That’s awesome.
	C. Exactly what I want.	D. How interesting!
7. ____________ month is the Hoa Ban Festival of the Thai people held in?
	A. When 	B. Which 	C. How many	D. How often
8. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.
 	A. princess	B. president	C. present 	D.broccoli
9. Nam helps his parents the rice onto the ox-drawn cart.
	A. load	B. Collect	C. Dry	D. ride
10. Does she fancy ________ a book to the younger children?
	A. Reads	B. reading	C. to read	D. read
11. Chaul Chnam Thmey is the biggest _________ of the Khmer people.
	A. festival	B. ceremony	C. practice	D. group
12. Are the hightlighted phrases in the following sentences true or false?
 The cost of living in the countryside is more low than in the city.
 A. True B. False
II- Put the correct form of the word in the blank to complete each question. (0.6 pt)
He doesn't fancy ............ beach volleyball because he hates sand. (play)
The .................... have a very hard life. They cannot live permanently in one
place. (nomadic)
 3. My mother adores (make) ..................... and (eat) ...................... good food.
PART 3: READING (3 pts)
I. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following passage. (0.5 pt)
Nowadays, leisure activities are totally different from the past. Many people no longer enjoy (1)
__________in outdoor activities after school. In stead, they(2)__________playing computer games or surfing the web in their free time. Some people rely too much on computer and the Internet. For example, they prefer(3)______ messages to having a face-to-face conversation with friends. Even when people (4)________out with their friends, they rarely talk but they use their phones to surf web. However, many people dislike the Internet and the(5)________world. They hate to waste time on the computer and enjoy other activities such as reading, shopping or sporting.
1.A.participate	B.to participate	C. participating	D. participates
2.A.fancy	B.don’t mind	C.dislike	D.hate
3.A.send	B.to send	C.to sending	D. sends
4.A.play	B.rely	C.meet	D.hang
5.A.virtual	B.real	C.fake	D.new
II. Complete the passage with the word: (0.8 pt)
In addition 	I believe 	Secondly 	For these reasons
 .(1) the best activity for teenagers is group activity. Firstly, teenagers like to feel that they belong to a group ..(2), being part of a group help teenagers make friends. Friendships are very important to teenagers. .(3) they will make friends with people who have the same interests as them. ...(4) I think group activities are best for teenagers.
III. Read the following passage then answer the questions (0.5 pt): 
 Gong culture in the Central Highlands of Viet Nam has been recognized by UNESCO as a Masterpiece of the Intangible Heritage of Humanity. Gong culture covers five provinces of the Central Highlands: Kon Tum, Gia Lai, Dak Lak, Dak Nong and Lam Dong. The masters of gong culture are the ethnic groups of Bahnar, Sedang, Mnong, Coho The Gong Festival is held annually in the Central Highlands. In the festival, artists from these provinces give gong performances, highlighting the gong culture of their own province. For the ethnic groups of the Central Highlands, gongs are musical instruments of special power. It is believed that every gong is the symbol of a god who grows more powerful as the gong gets older. Therefore, gongs are associated with special occasions in people’s lives, such as the building of new houses, funerals, crop praying ceremonies The gong sound is a way to communicate with the gods.
Answer the questions:
1.Where does Gong culture exist?
2.How often is the Gong Festival held?
3.What do artists do in the Gong Festival?
4.Are Gongs pieces of folk music?
5. Is the gong sound a way to communicate with the ancestors?
II. Reading the passage and do the task below (1,2 pt)
We are Khmer Krom, one of the biggest ethnic groups in the south of Vietnam. We live by farming – mostly rice – and fishing on the Mekong River. Life is sometimes hard as our work depends heavily on the weather. When it is not harvest time, the men of the village go fishing from early morning and don’t return until late afternoon. By the time they return, most of the village women will be waiting for them on the river bank. They wait to buy the fish, which they will later sell at the local market or bring to the nearby town for a higher price. We children will be there too. We love running around the beach and waiting for the boats to come in.
Our most important festival of the year is the Chol Chnam Thmay, which celebrates the New Year. It falls in mid-April. Every family tries to prepare well for the festive activities. The community also visits and helps poor families so that everybody has a happy New Year. 
1. Choose True or False (0.8 pt)
a .In the south of Vietnam the Khmer group is one of the biggest groups.
b The Khmer people grow other crops and raise cattle and poutry.
c. ..Their main crop is rice and life is very hard.
d The men catch fish from early morning on Mekong River.
2. Answer the questions (0,4 pt)
1. Why is life hard for the Khmer?
2. When do the women and children of the village go to the river bank?
PART 4: WRITING (2 pts)
I. Rewrite the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one (0, 4pt)
1. My house is smaller than your house.
→ Your house ..............................................................................................................................
2. Jenny finds reading poetry boring.
→ Jenny dislikes ............................................................................................................................
II. Write questions for the underlined parts. (0, 4pt)
Ethnic people often hold festivals in spring.	 ?
2. They often gather together at the communal house in special occasions.
II. Make sentences using the cue words: (0, 2 pt)
1. Mai/ enjoy/make/ crafts	 →	 ..............................................................
2. Which/ ethnic group/ Viet Nam/ have /largest/ population/?
→ .........................................................................................................................................
III. Write a passage of (120-150 words ) about the change of Vietnamese countryside or your village , hometown. (1pt).
You may write it with your own ideas or answer the questions below as some clues for your passage.
Has the countryside changed positively or negatively or both of them ?
How about positive changes to the countryside ?
What about negative ones ? Solutions?
I. Listen and say if the sentences are true (T) or false (F) (1 pt)
1. Nobody lives in an earthen house now.
2. The village has electricity now.
3. Horses are still the only means of transport in the village.
4. The children used to go a long way to school.
5. More visitors are coming to see them.
Audio script: 
I live in a mountainous village. My parents often tell me stories about their life in the past. It’s not much like the village I can see nowadays. Some villagers now live in brick houses instead of earthen ones. Our houses are better equipped with electric fans and TVs. Thanks to the TV, we now know more about life outside our village. We don’t use oil lamps any more. We have electric lights which are much brighter. More villagers are using motorcycles for transport instead of riding a horse or walking. We — village children — no longer have to waik a long way and cross a stream to get to school, which is dangerous in the rainy season. Now there’s a new school nearby. We also have more visitors from the city. They come to experience our way of life.
II. Listen to the passage and then complete each blank with one correct word (1pt)
1. Five-coloured sticky rice is important to northern mountainous region.
2. five- coloured sticky rice has five colours: red, yellow, green, purple and white.
3. It is made using natural roots and leaves.
4. Purple or black symbolises water
5. Five-coloured sticky rice is usually made and enjoyed at Tet
Audio script:
Five-coloured sticky rice is an important traditional dish of many ethnic minorities in the northern mountainous regions. People call the dish five- coloured sticky rice because it has five colours: red, yellow, green, purple and white. The things that create the colours are not chemicals but natural roots and leaves. The five colours of the dish represent five elements of life according to Vietnamese beliefs: yellow is earth, red is fire, green is plants, white is metal, and purple or black is water. People believe that these five elements create harmony between heaven and earth. Five-coloured sticky rice is usually made and enjoyed at Tet, in festivals and ceremonies, on special occasions, and whenever the family has guests.
I. Choose the best answer for each of the following sentences. (2.4 pts)
1. Harvesting the rice is much . than drying the rice.
	A. more harder 	B. more hardly	C. hardlier	D. harder
2. Look! Some children are the buffaloes.
	A. picking	B. Playing	C. Driving	D. herding
3. Among the ethnic minorities,................... Tay have the largest population.
	A. a	B. An	C. the	D. Ө
4. ...................... DIY brings you a lot of amazing benefits.
	A. Doing	B. reading	C. Playing	D. Going
5. The 54 ethnic peoples of Viet Nam are _________, but they live peacefully.
	A. diverse	B. similar	C. unlike	D. the same
6. ‘Children in my village often fly their kites in dry rice fields.’ ‘_______’
	A. It’s right up my street!	B. That’s awesome.
	C. Exactly what I want.	D. How interesting!
7. ____________ month is the Hoa Ban Festival of the Thai people held in?
	A. When 	B. Which 	 C. How many	D. How often
8. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.
 	A. princess B. president C. present 	D.broccoli
9. Nam helps his parents the rice onto the ox-drawn cart.
	A. load	B. Collect	C. Dry	D. ride
10. Does she fancy ________ a book to the younger children?
	A. Reads	B. reading	C. to read	D. read
11. Chaul Chnam Thmey is the biggest _________ of the Khmer people.
	A. festival	B. ceremony	C. practice	D. group
12. Are the hightlighted phrases in the following sentences true or false?
 The cost of living in the countryside is more low than in the city.
 A. True B. False
II- Put the correct form of the word in the blank to complete each question. (0.6 pt)
 1. playing ; 2. nomads ; 3. making and eating
PART 3: READING (3 pts)
I. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following passage. (0.5 pt)
Nowadays, leisure activities are totally different from the past. Many people no longer enjoy (1)
__________in outdoor activities after school. In stead, they(2)__________playing computer games or surfing the web in their free time. Some people rely too much on computer and the Internet. For example, they prefer(3)______ messages to having a face-to-face conversation with friends. Even when people (4)________out with their friends, they rarely talk but they use their phones to surf web. However, many people dislike the Internet and the(5)________world. They hate to waste time on the computer and enjoy other activities such as reading, shopping or sporting.
1.A.participate	B.to participate	C. participating	D. participates
2.A.fancy	B.don’t mind	C .dislike	D.hate
3.A.send	B.to send	C.to sending	D. sends
4.A.play	B.rely	C.meet	D.hang
5.A.virtual	B.real	C.fake	D.new
II. Read the following passage then answer the questions (0.5 pt): 
 1. It exists in the Central Highlands of Viet Nam.
 2.It is held once a year / annually.
 3.They give gong performances, highlighting the gong culture of their own province. 
 4.No, they aren’t.
 5.No, it isn’t.
III. Complete the passage with the words: (0.8 pt)
I believe the best leisure activity for teenagers is group activity. Firstly, teenagers like to feel that thev belong to the group. Secondly, being part of a group helps teenagers make friends. Friendship is very important to teenagers. In addition, they will make friends with people who have the same interests as them. For these reasons, I think group activities are best for teenagers.
IV. Reading the passage and do the task below 
1. Choose True or False (0.8 pt)
a T .In the south of Vietnam the Khmer group is one of the biggest groups.
b F The Khmer people grow other crops and raise cattle and poutry.
c. T ..Their main crop is rice and life is very hard.
d T The men catch fish from early morning on Mekong River.
2. Answer the questions (0,4 pt)
1. Because their jobs depend heavily on the weather.
2. In the afternoon, when the fishing boats come in.
PART 4: WRITING (2.5pts)
I. Rewrite the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one (0, 4 pt)
1. à Your house is bigger than my house.
2. à Jenny dislikes reading poetry.
II. Make sentences using the cue words: (0,4pt)
1. When do ethnic people often hold festivals?	 	
2. Where do they often gather together in special occasions?
III. Make sentences using the cue words: (0,2 pt)
1. Mai enjoys making crafts	 	
2. Which ethnic group of Viet Nam has the largest population ?
IV. Write a passage of (120-150 words ) about the change of Vietnamese countryside or your village , hometown. (1pt). (Students write by themselves.)

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